Spheron CLI

Spheron CLI

The Spheron CLI is a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool to create and deploy dApps to web3.


For Mac and Linux

To install the Spheron CLI, run the following command in your terminal:

sudo npm install -g @spheron/cli

For Windows

To install the Spheron CLI, open your terminal as administrator mode and run the following command:

npm install -g @spheron/cli


The --help argument allows you to get more details about Spheron CLI commands.


spheron --help

Here is an example of how the result will look:

Spheron CLI 1.0.7
spheron [command]
  spheron login                Logs into your Spheron account
  spheron logout               Logs out of your account
  spheron upload               Upload
  spheron publish              Upload your project setup in spheron.json
  spheron create-organization  Create organization
  spheron get <resource>       Get resource/s <<resource>>
  spheron init                 Spheron file initialization in project
  spheron configure            Change spheron default configuration
  spheron create-dapp          Create a dapp which can run on Spheron out of the
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]

With Commands

spheron [command] --help
# example
spheron login --help

Here is how the result of the above example will look:

Spheron CLI 1.0.7
Usage: spheron login [--github|--gitlab|--bitbucket]
  --github     Login using Github credentials
  --gitlab     Login using Gitlab credentials
  --bitbucket  Login using Bitbucket credentials
  --help       Show help                                               [boolean]


spheron login

The spheron login command allows you to connect to your Spheron account. It is necessary to execute this command before running upload or publish commands.


spheron login

Upon running this command, a prompter will appear that will allow you to select the provider that you want to use for login. Here is how it will look:

? Select your provider: (Use arrow keys)

Extended Usage

You can use the following command if you want to connect to your Spheron account without prompter:


The --github argument can be used to initiate GitHub OAuth login.

spheron login --github


The --gitlab argument can be used to initiate GitLab OAuth login.

spheron login --gitlab


The --bitbucket argument can be used to initiate Bitbucket OAuth login.

spheron login --bitbucket


spheron upload

The spheron upload command allows you to directly upload your file/directory to the specific protocol without having to set up a project. You must be logged in to use this command. If you are not, you can use the spheron login command first to login.


spheron upload

Upon running this command, a prompter will appear that will allow you to add the path, select protocol, add the project name and add the organization id. Here is how it will look:

? Path to file: (./)
? Upload protocol: (Use arrow keys)

Extended Usage

Direct Upload

You can use the following command if you want to directly upload the file without prompter:

spheron upload --path {file_path} --protocol {protocol} [--project {project_name}] [--organization {organizationId}]


  • --path : The location of the dir/file that you want to upload. The default path is ./.
  • --protocol : Choose from arweave, filecoin, or ipfs.
  • --project (Optional) : The name of the project. If not provided, the last segment of the path will be taken.
  • --organization (Optional) : The organizationId to override the existing one. By default, it will take the one received after running the spheron login.

NOTE: The prompter will be opened if all the required arguments are not entered.


spheron init

The spheron init command allows you to initialize a new Spheron project. A spheron.json file is created in your current path that describes your project. It will be utilized by the spheron publish command.


spheron init

Upon running this command, a prompter will appear that will allow you to select protocol, add the project name, add path and select framework. Here is how it will look:

? Project name: (Code)
? Upload protocol: (Use arrow keys)

Extended Usage

Direct Initialization

You can use the following command if you want to directly initialize a new Spheron project without prompter:

spheron init --protocol {protocol} [--project {project_name}] [--path {path}] [--framework {framework}]


  • --protocol : Choose from arweave, filecoin, or ipfs.

  • --project (Optional) : The name of the project. If not provided, the last segment of the path will be taken.

  • --path (Optional) : The location of dir/file that you want to upload. The default path is ./.

  • --framework (Optional) : Choose from the following frameworks:

    • static
    • react
    • vue
    • angular
    • next
    • preact
    • nuxt2
    • docusaurus
    • hugo
    • eleventy
    • svelte
    • gatsby
    • sanity
    • ionicreact
    • vite
    • scully
    • stencil
    • brunch
    • ionicangular

NOTE: The prompter will be opened if all the required arguments are not entered.

spheron publish

The spheron publish command allows you to upload your project using the configuration that is described in the spheron.json file of your project.


spheron publish

Make sure that you create a production build before running the spheron publish command.

Here is an example of how the result will look:

Spheron CLI 1.0.7
Publishing your dapp to IPFS 🚀
Uploading directory build
Upload started, ID of deployment: 643fce207c3c7a0012df33a7
Uploading to IPFS
Success! Upload finished !
Here are upload details:
Upload ID: 643fce207c3c7a0012df33a7
Bucket ID: 643fce207c3c7a0012df33a5
Protocol Link: https://bafybeicrjwhn6nifl7tcuhkcitquvpumj426qa7r7ppcya5skmqly5n2la.ipfs.sphn.link
Dynamic Links: https://testapp-edab50.spheron.app


spheron create-dapp

The spheron create-dapp allows you to create a template project that can be easily deployed on Spheron.


spheron create-dapp

Upon running this command, a prompter will appear that will allow you to select protocol, add the project name, add path and select framework. Here is how it will look:

? What type of dapp do you want to create? (Use arrow keys)
Default dapp

Extended Usage

Direct Project Creation

You can use the following command if you want to directly create a template project without prompter:

spheron create-dapp --protocol {protocol} [--project {project_name}] [--path {path}] [--framework {framework}]


  • --protocol : Choose from arweave, filecoin, or ipfs.

  • --project (Optional) : The name of the project. If not provided, the last segment of the path will be taken.

  • --path (Optional) : The location of dir/file that you want to upload. The default path is ./.

  • --framework (Optional) : Choose from the following frameworks:

    • static
    • react
    • vue
    • angular
    • next
    • preact
    • nuxt2
    • docusaurus
    • hugo
    • eleventy
    • svelte
    • gatsby
    • sanity
    • ionicreact
    • vite
    • scully
    • stencil
    • brunch
    • ionicangular

NOTE: The prompter will be opened if all the required arguments are not entered.


spheron create-organization

The spheron create-organization command allows you to create a new organization. It will be set as the default organization and will be used by the upload/publish commands by default.

When you run the spheron login command for the first time, a new organization will be created if you don't already have one set up.


spheron create-organization

Upon running this command, a prompter will appear that will allow you to add organization name and add organization username. Here is how it will look:

? Name of the organization: (org-593)
? Username of the organization: (org-593)

Extended Usage

Direct Organization Creation

You can use the following command if you want to directly create a new organization without prompter:

spheron create-organization --name {organization_name} --username {organization_username}


  • --name : The name of the organization.
  • --username : The username for the organization.

NOTE: The prompter will be opened if all the required arguments are not entered.

spheron configure

The spheron configure command allows you to switch your default organization.


spheron configure

Upon running this command, a prompter will appear that will allow you to add the organization id. Here is how it will look:

? Default organization ID:

Extended Usage

Directly Switch Organization

You can use the following command if you want to directly switch your default organization without prompter:

spheron configure --organization {organizationId}


  • --organization : The organizationId of the organization that you want to switch to.

NOTE: The prompter will be opened if the required argument is not entered.

Get Data from Spheron

spheron get organization

The spheron get organization command allows you to get the details of an organization.


spheron get organization [--id {organizationId}]


  • --organization (Optional) : The organizationId of the organization whose details you want to get.

NOTE: The details of the default organization will be returned if the organization argument is not entered.

spheron get organizations

The spheron get organizations command allows you to get the details of all your organizations.


spheron get organizations

Upon running this command, the details of all your organizations will be returned as an array of objects.

spheron get deployment

The spheron get deployment command allows you to get the details of a deployment.


spheron get deployment --id {deploymentId}


  • --id : The deploymentId of the deployment whose details you want to get.

spheron get deployments

The spheron get deployments command allows you to get the details of all your deployments.


spheron get deployments --projectId {projectId}

Upon running this command, the details of all your deployments will be returned as an array of objects.


  • --projectId : The projectId of the project whose deployment details you want to get.

NOTE: The last 10 deployments will be returned if the limit arguments are not entered.

Extended Usage

Limit Results

You can use the following command if you want to limit the results:

spheron get deployments --projectId {projectId} [--skip {skip}] [--limit {limit}] [--status {status}]


  • --projectId : The projectId whose deployment details you want to get.

  • --skip (Optional) : The number of items to skip in the query.

  • --limit (Optional) : The number of items to return.

  • --status (Optional) : Choose from the following statuses:

    • PreQueue
    • Queued
    • Pending
    • Canceled
    • Deployed
    • Failed
    • AuthorizationNeeded
    • Killing
    • TimedOut

spheron get project

The spheron get project command allows you to get the details of a project.


spheron get project --id {projectId}


  • --id : The projectId whose details you want to get.

spheron get projects

The spheron get projects command allows you to get the details of all your projects.


spheron get projects [--organizationId {organizationId}]

Upon running this command, the details of all your projects will be returned as an array of objects.


  • --organizationId (Optional) : The organizationId whose project details you want to get.

1. The projects of the default organization will be returned if the organizationId argument is not entered.
2. The last 10 projects will be returned if the limit arguments are not entered.

Extended Usage

Limit Results

You can use the following command if you want to limit the results:

spheron get projects [--organizationId {organizationId}] [--skip {skip}] [--limit {limit}] [--state {state}]


  • --organizationId (Optional) : The organizationId whose project details you want to get.
  • --skip (Optional) : The number of items to skip in the query.
  • --limit (Optional) : The number of items to return.
  • --state (Optional) : Choose from MAINTAINED or ARCHIVED.

spheron get domains

The spheron get domains command allows you to get the details of all your domains.


spheron get domains --projectId {projectId}

Upon running this command, the details of all your domains will be returned as an array of objects.


  • --projectId : The projectId whose domain details you want to get.

spheron get deployment-environments

The spheron get deployment-environments command allows you to get the details of all your deployment environments.


spheron get deployment-environments --projectId {projectId}

Upon running this command, the details of all your deployment environments will be returned as an array of objects.


  • --projectId : The projectId whose deployment environment details you want to get.
FVM Deal Utils SDKSpheron API