Deploy Vanilla App

How to Deploy Vanilla Apps in Less than 30 Seconds

This guide will show you how to deploy a Vanilla project and set up your domain. Vanilla JS is a fast, lightweight, cross-platform framework for building incredible, powerful JavaScript applications.

Deploy Vanilla JS to Spheron

Follow these steps to deploy your Vanilla app on Spheron successfully.

Step 1: Put Your Vanilla Project Code in a Git Repo

While this feature is not new to developers, the magic of Spheron is that every push to any branch in your GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket repo triggers a new build and deployment of your project. Once you change all the instances of browser routing to hash routing, you can now deploy your project via Spheron on any Protocol.

Step 2: Deploy using the Spheron Platform UI.

You can create a new Spheron project using the platform UI. First, visit Spheron Network (opens in a new tab) in your browser. Choose your preferred Git provider from the options and authorize Spheron to access the repo you want to deploy. In the next screen, select your Vanilla repo from the list. Choose your preferred protocol where you want to deploy your static build. As of now, we support Arweave, Skynet, Filecoin & Pinata. You can choose any one protocol from all 4 of them. The third screen asks for details about where to create the project and how to build it. All the settings are already pre-filled based on the suggested framework. Learn more about each build setting. Check it out here (opens in a new tab).

  1. Choose the branch to deploy from the dropdown and provide the root directory if you have a monorepo-like app structure.
  2. Leave the install command empty
  3. Leave the build command empty
  4. Leave the publish directory empty.
  5. You can add some environment variables before the build.
  6. You can change the node engine of your deployment as well.
  7. Click "Deploy"

That's All!

Now that you've deployed your Vanilla project on Spheron, you have all the benefits of Spheron — including a custom deployment environment, continuous deployment whenever you push to your repo, and much more — as well as the benefits of Vanilla, like Preview Mode, Static site rendering. After deploying, your new Vanilla site will automatically be assigned a suffixed domain. You can then add a Custom Domain (opens in a new tab) of your choice. We're so excited to see what you build with Vanilla on Spheron!

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