Storage SDK

Storage SDK

The Spheron Storage SDK is equipped with multi-chain storage capabilities powered by Spheron.


The package is only meant for Node.js environments and will not work in a browser or frontend apps.


Using NPM

npm i @spheron/storage

Using Yarn

yarn add @spheron/storage


To use the Spheron Storage SDK, you have to create an instance of SpheronClient.

import { SpheronClient, ProtocolEnum } from "@spheron/storage";
const client = new SpheronClient({ token });

The SpheronClient constructor takes an object that has one property token. Follow the instructions in the DOCS (opens in a new tab) to generate this token.

NOTE: When you are creating the tokens, please choose Storage type in the dashboard.

The SpheronClient instance provides several methods for working with buckets. Here's the list of all the supported methods.



Used to upload a file/directory to the specified protocol.

let currentlyUploaded = 0;
const { uploadId, bucketId, protocolLink, dynamicLinks, cid } =
  await client.upload(filePath, {
    protocol: ProtocolEnum.IPFS,
    onUploadInitiated: (uploadId) => {
      console.log(`Upload with id ${uploadId} started...`);
    onChunkUploaded: (uploadedSize, totalSize) => {
      currentlyUploaded += uploadedSize;
      console.log(`Uploaded ${currentlyUploaded} of ${totalSize} Bytes.`);

Function upload takes two parameters:

  • filePath - (string) - The path to the file/directory that will be uploaded.
  • configuration: An object with the following parameters:
      • Represents the name of the bucket on which you are uploading the data.
    2. configuration.protocol
      • The protocol on which the data will be uploaded. The supported protocols are [ ARWEAVE, IPFS, FILECOIN].
    3. configuration.onUploadInitiated (Optional)
      • Callback function (uploadId: string) => void. The function will be called once, when the upload is initiated, right before the data is uploaded. The function will be called with one parameter, uploadId, which represents the id of the started upload.
    4. configuration.onChunkUploaded (Optional)
      • Callback function (uploadedSize: number, totalSize: number) => void. The function will be called multiple times, depending on the upload size. The function will be called each time a chunk is uploaded, with two parameters. The first one uploadedSize represents, the size in Bytes for the uploaded chunk. The totalSize represents the total size of the upload in Bytes.


interface UploadRes {
  uploadId: string;
  bucketId: string;
  protocolLink: string;
  dynamicLinks: Domain[];
  cid: string;

NOTE: The CID property will only have value for IPFS and Filecoin uploads.

Encrypt Upload

Used to encrypt a string or a file and upload it to IPFS.

NOTE: Both the encryptUpload functions require an instance of LitNodeClient that is already connected. To create an instance, checkout the @lit-protocol/lit-node-client (opens in a new tab) package or our example (opens in a new tab)

const { uploadId, bucketId, protocolLink, dynamicLinks } =
  await client.encryptUpload({
    litNodeClient: client,
    configuration: {
      name: bucketName,

Parameters of encryptUpload:

  • authSig - (optional) The authSig of the user. You can use siwe (opens in a new tab) to create it. Checkout the example (opens in a new tab).

  • sessionSigs: - (optional) the session signatures to use to authorize the user with the nodes.

  • accessControlConditions - (optional) The access control conditions that the user must meet to obtain this signed token. This could be possession of an NFT, for example.

  • evmContractConditions - (optional) EVM Smart Contract access control conditions that the user must meet to obtain this signed token. This could be possession of an NFT, for example. This is different than accessControlConditions because accessControlConditions only supports a limited number of contract calls. evmContractConditions supports any contract call.

  • solRpcConditions - (optional) Solana RPC call conditions that the user must meet to obtain this signed token. This could be possession of an NFT, for example.

  • unifiedAccessControlConditions - (optional) An array of unified access control conditions. You may use AccessControlCondition, EVMContractCondition, or SolRpcCondition objects in this array, but make sure you add a conditionType for each one.

    NOTE: The function requires either accessControlConditions, evmContractConditions, solRpcConditions or unifiedAccessControlConditions.

  • chain - The chain name of the chain that this contract is deployed on.

  • string - (optional) The string you wish to encrypt.

  • filePath - (optional) The path to the file you wish to encrypt.

    NOTE: The function requires either string of filePath parameter to be passed.

  • litNodeClient - An instance of LitNodeClient that is already connected.

  • configuration:

    • name - Represents the name of the bucket on which you are uploading the data.
    • onUploadInitiated - (optional) Callback function (uploadId: string) => void. The function will be called once when the upload is initiated, right before the data is uploaded. The function will be called with one parameter, uploadId, which represents the id of the started upload.
    • onChunkUploaded - (optional) Callback function (uploadedSize: number, totalSize: number) => void. The function will be called multiple times, depending on the upload size. The function will be called each time a chunk is uploaded, with two parameters. the first uploadedSize represents the size in Bytes for the uploaded chunk. The totalSize represents the total size of the upload in Bytes.


interface UploadRes {
  uploadId: string;
  bucketId: string;
  protocolLink: string;
  dynamicLinks: Domain[];
  cid: string;

NOTE: Checkout the example (opens in a new tab) on how to use the encryptUpload function.

Decrypt Upload

Used to decrypt the data of the previously encrypted upload.

NOTE: Both the decryptUpload functions require an instance of LitNodeClient that is already connected. To create an instance, checkout the @lit-protocol/lit-node-client (opens in a new tab) package or our example (opens in a new tab)

const decryptedData: Uint8Array = client.decryptUpload({

Function decryptUpload parameters:

  • authSig - (optional) The authSig of the user. You can use siwe (opens in a new tab) to create it. Checkout the example (opens in a new tab).
  • sessionSigs - (optional) the session signatures to use to authorize the user with the nodes.
  • ipfsCid - The IPFS cid of the upload that was previously encrypted & uploaded.
  • litNodeClient - An instance of LitNodeClient that is already connected


  • The function returns an Uint8Array, which represents the decrypted data.

    NOTE: Checkout the example (opens in a new tab) on how to use the decryptUpload function.

Create Single Upload Token

Used to create a token that can be used to upload data directly from browser, using the @spheron/browser-upload (opens in a new tab) package. Checkout the browser-upload docs for more information.

const { uploadToken } = await client.createSingleUploadToken({
  name: bucketName,

Function createSingleUploadToken takes two parameters:

  • name - (string) - Represents the name of the bucket on which you are uploading the data.
  • protocol - (string) - The protocol on which the data will be uploaded. The supported protocols are [ ARWEAVE, IPFS, FILECOIN].
  • maxSize - (number) (optional) - The maximum size of the upload in bytes. If the uploaded data size is exceeded an error will be thrown.


interface TokenRes {
  uploadToken: string;


Used to pin a CID on Spheron IPFS dedicated node

const { uploadId, bucketId, protocolLink, dynamicLinks } = await client.pinCID({

Function pinCID takes one parameter:

  • configuration: An object with the following parameters:
    • (string) - Represents the name of the bucket on which you are pinning the CID.
    • configuration.cid (string) - The CID of the file you want to be pinned
    • configuration.inBackground (boolean) - (optional) - when set to true, the pinning will processed in the background. Using the uploadId from the response, the status can be checked via getUpload function.

      Note: When inBackground is set to true, dynamicLinks will not be included in the response.


interface PinCIDResponse {
  uploadId: string;
  bucketId: string;
  protocolLink: string;
  dynamicLinks: string[];

Pin CID's on IPFS

Used to pin an array of CID's to the Spheron IPFS node. For each of the provided CID's an upload will be created with status IN_PINNING_QUEUE. These uploads with status IN_PINNING_QUEUE will be dequeued and processed as soon as a free parallel upload slot becomes available.

NOTE: It's essential to keep in mind that if you attempt to pin more CIDs than the number of available parallel uploads, your standard uploads may be temporarily affected. They will only resume when a parallel upload slot becomes available.

const response: {
  uploadId: string,
  cid: string,
}[] = await client.pinCIDs({

Function pinCIDs takes one parameter:

  • configuration: An object with the following parameters:
    • (string) - Represents the name of the bucket on which you are pinning the CID.
    • configuration.cids (string[]) - The array of CID's that will be pinned to the Spheron IPFS Node.

Response an array of object with structure

  uploadId: string; // the id of the upload.
  cid: string; // the CID that was sent to be pinned

Get CID Pin Status

Used to get the pinning status for the specified CID.

const pinStatus: PinStatus = await client.getCIDStatus(CID);

Function getCIDStatus takes just one parameter:

  • CID - (string) - The CID of the file


interface PeerData {
  peerName: string; // Name of the peer
  ipfsPeerId: string; // The peer ID in the IPFS network
  ipfsPeerAddresses: string[]; // Array of addresses at which the peer can be reached
  status: string; // Status of the pin, such as "pinned" or "unpinned"
  timeStamp: string; // Timestamp when the status was last updated
  error: string; // Any errors that have occurred, empty string if no errors
  attemptCount: number; // Number of attempts made to change the pin status
  priorityPin: boolean; // Indicates whether this is a priority pin
interface PinStatus {
  cid: string; // The Content Identifier (CID) of the file
  name: string; // Name associated with the file, can be empty
  allocations: string[]; // Array of peers where the file is allocated
  origins: string[]; // Array of origins from where the file can be fetched
  created: string; // Timestamp when the file was created
  metadata: null | any; // Metadata associated with the file, null if none
  peerMap: { [key: string]: PeerData }; // Map of peer data, with peer IDs as keys

Get Upload

Used to get the upload by its id.

const upload: Upload = await client.getUpload(uploadId);

Function getUpload takes just one parameter:

  • uploadId - (string) - The upload id of the file uploaded using Spheron SDK.


interface UploadedFile {
  fileName: string;
  fileSize: number;
interface Upload {
  id: string;
  protocolLink: string;
  uploadDirectory: UploadedFile[];
  status: UploadStatusEnum;
  memoryUsed: number;
  bucketId: string;
  protocol: string;

Pin Upload

Used to pin the upload by its id.

const upload: Upload = await client.pinUpload(uploadId);

Function pinUpload takes just one parameter:

  • uploadId - (string) - The upload id.

Response: returns the pinned upload.

Only IPFS and Filecoin uploads with status Unpinned can be pinned. The storage used will be increased by the upload size after the upload is pinned.

Unpin Upload

Used to unpin the upload by its id.

const upload: Upload = await client.unpinUpload(uploadId);

Function unpinUpload takes just one parameter:

  • uploadId - (string) - The upload id.

Response: returns the unpinned upload.

Only IPFS and Filecoin uploads with status Pinned can be unpinned. The storage used will be decreased by the upload size after the upload is unpinned.


Get Organization Usage

Used to get the usage of the current active subscription of the organization.

const organization: UsageWithLimits = await client.getOrganizationUsage(

Function getOrganizationUsage takes just one parameter:

  • organizationId - (string) - The id of the organization.


interface UsageWithLimits {
  used: {
    bandwidth: number, // the bytes of bandwidth used for the current subscription
    storageArweave: number, // the bytes of used Arweave storage for the current subscription
    storageIPFS: number, // the bytes of used IPFS storage
    storageFilecoin: number, // the bytes of used Filecoin
    domains: number, // the number of domains and subdomain an organization has
    hnsDomains: number, // the number of hns domains and hns subdomain an organization has
    ensDomains: number, // the number of ens domains an organization has
    numberOfRequests: number, // the number of requests the organization has had till now
    parallelUploads: number, // the number of uploads are in progress for an organization
    imageOptimization: number, // the number of optimized images organization has had till now
    ipfsBandwidth: number, // the bytes of IPFS bandwidth used for the current subscription
    ipfsNumberOfRequests: // the number of IPFS requests the organization has had till now
  limit: {
    bandwidth: number, // the bandwidth limit for the current subscription
    storageArweave: number, // the limit in bytes for the Arweave storage for the current subscription
    storageIPFS: number, // the limit in bytes for the IPFS and Filecoin storage for the current subscription
    domains: number, // the limit on how many domains and subdomains can a organization have
    hnsDomains: number, // the limit on how many hns domains and hns subdomain can a organization have
    ensDomains: number, // the limit on how many ens domains a organization have
    parallelUploads: number, // the number on how many parallel uploads an organization can have
    imageOptimization: number, // the limit on how many optimized images can an organization have
    ipfsBandwidth: number; // the IPFS bandwidth limit for the current subscription

IPNS Records

Get all IPNS records from Bucket

Used to get the IPNS records that were published for the provided bucketId.

const ipnsRecords: IpnsRecord[] = await client.getBucketIpnsRecords(bucketId);

Function getBucketIpnsRecords takes just one parameter:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.


interface IpnsRecord {
  id: string;
  ipnsHash: string;
  ipnsLink: string;
  memoryUsed: number;
  bucketId: string;
  createdAt: Date;
  updatedAt: Date;

Get IPNS Record

Used to get the information about the specific IPNS record.

const ipnsRecord: IpnsRecord = await client.getBucketIpnsRecord(

Function getBucketIpnsRecord takes two parameters:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.
  • ipnsRecordId - (string) - The id of the IPNS record.


interface IpnsRecord {
  id: string;
  ipnsHash: string;
  ipnsLink: string;
  memoryUsed: number;
  bucketId: string;
  createdAt: Date;
  updatedAt: Date;

Add IPNS record

Used to publish a new IPNS record.

const ipnsRecord: IpnsRecord = await client.addBucketIpnsRecord(

Function addBucketIpnsRecord takes two parameters:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.
  • uploadId - (string) - The id of the upload to which the IPNS record should point to.


interface IpnsRecord {
  id: string;
  ipnsHash: string;
  ipnsLink: string;
  memoryUsed: number;
  bucketId: string;
  createdAt: Date;
  updatedAt: Date;

Update IPNS Record

Used to update an existing IPNS record of the Bucket.

const ipnsRecord: IpnsRecord = await client.updateBucketIpnsRecord(

Function updateBucketIpnsRecord takes three parameters:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.
  • ipnsRecordId - (string) - The id of the IPNS record.
  • uploadId - (string) - The id of the upload to which the IPNS record should point to.


interface IpnsRecord {
  id: string;
  ipnsHash: string;
  ipnsLink: string;
  memoryUsed: number;
  bucketId: string;
  createdAt: Date;
  updatedAt: Date;

Delete IPNS Record

Used to delete the IPNS Record of the Bucket.

await client.deleteBucketIpnsRecord(bucketId, ipnsRecordId);

Function deleteBucketIpnsRecord takes two parameters:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.
  • ipnsRecordId - (string) - The id of the IPNS record.


Get Buckets

Used to get the buckets of the organization. The method supports pagination and filtering by name or bucket state.

const buckets: Bucket[] = await client.getOrganizationBuckets(organizationId, {

Function getOrganizationBuckets parameters:

  • organizationId - The id of the organization of the token.

  • options

    • skip - (number)
    • limit - (number)
    • state - (BucketStateEnum) optional - for filtering the buckets by state.
    • name - (string) optional - for filtering the buckets by name. The response will include the buckets which names contain the provided name.


enum  BucketStateEnum {
interface Bucket {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  organizationId: string;
  state: BucketStateEnum;

Get Bucket Count

Used to get the number of buckets an organization has. The method supports filtering by name or bucket state.

const count: number = await client.getOrganizationBucketCount(organizationId, {

Function getOrganizationBucketCount parameters:

  • organizationId - The id of the organization of the token.

  • options - optional

    • state - (BucketStateEnum) optional - for filtering the buckets by state.
    • name - (string) optional - for filtering the buckets by name. The response will include the buckets which names contain the provided name.

Get Bucket

Used to get the bucket information for the specified bucketId.

const bucket: Bucket = await client.getBucket(bucketId);

Function getBucket takes just one parameter:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.


enum  BucketStateEnum {
interface Bucket {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  organizationId: string;
  state: BucketStateEnum;

Archive Bucket

Used to archive the Bucket. New uploads cannot be created for an archived bucket.

await client.archiveBucket(bucketId);

Function archiveBucket takes just one parameter:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.

Unarchive Bucket

Used to unarchive the Bucket.

await client.unarchiveBucket(bucketId);

Function unarchiveBucket takes just one parameter:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.

Get Bucket Upload Count

Used to get the number of uploads for the specified bucket.

const count: number = await client.getBucketUploadCount(bucketId);

Function getBucketUploadCount takes just one parameter:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.

Get Bucket Uploads

Used to get the uploads of the bucket. The default value for the skip is 0. The default value for the limit is 6.

const bucketUploads: Upload[] = await client.getBucketUploads(bucketId, { skip: number; limit: number; });

Function getBucketUploads takes two parameters:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.
  • options - An object with the skip and limit of the bucket to be updated.


enum UploadStatusEnum {
  IN_PROGRESS = "InProgress",
  IN_PINNING_QUEUE = "InPinningQueue",
  CANCELED = "Canceled",
  UPLOADED = "Uploaded",
  FAILED = "Failed",
  TIMED_OUT = "TimedOut",
  PINNED = "Pinned",
  UNPINNED = "Unpinned",
interface UploadedFile {
  fileName: string;
  fileSize: number;
interface Upload {
  id: string;
  protocolLink: string;
  uploadDirectory: UploadedFile[];
  status: UploadStatusEnum;
  memoryUsed: number;
  bucketId: string;
  protocol: string;

Bucket Domains

Get Bucket Domains

Used to get the domains that are attached to the specified bucketId.

const bucketDomains: Domain[] = await client.getBucketDomains(bucketId);

Function getBucketDomains takes just one parameter:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.


enum DomainTypeEnum {
  DOMAIN = "domain",
  SUBDOMAIN = "subdomain",
  HANDSHAKE_DOMAIN = "handshake-domain",
  HANDSHAKE_SUBDOMAIN = "handshake-subdomain",
  ENS_DOMAIN = "ens-domain",
interface Domain {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  link: string;
  verified: boolean;
  bucketId: string;
  type: DomainTypeEnum;

Get Bucket Domain

Used to get the information about the specific domain.

const bucketDomain: Domain = await client.getBucketDomain(

Function getBucketDomain takes two parameters:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.
  • domainIdentifier - (string) - It can either be the id of the domain or the name of the domain.


enum DomainTypeEnum {
  DOMAIN = "domain",
  SUBDOMAIN = "subdomain",
  HANDSHAKE_DOMAIN = "handshake-domain",
  HANDSHAKE_SUBDOMAIN = "handshake-subdomain",
  ENS_DOMAIN = "ens-domain",
interface Domain {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  link: string;
  verified: boolean;
  bucketId: string;
  type: DomainTypeEnum;

Add Bucket Domain

Used to add a new domain to the specified bucket. The link property needs to have the value of protocolLink of an existing upload from the specified bucket, or the value of ipnsLink of an existing ipns record from the specified bucket. After adding a new domain, you will need to setup the record on your DNS provider:

  • domain: you should create a A type record with the value and the same name as the domain you have added.
  • subdomain: you should create a CNAME type record with the value and the same name as the domain you have added.
  • handshake-domain: you should create a A type record with the value and @ for name. Also, you should create a TXT type record with the link for a value and _contenthash for a name.
  • handshake-subdomain: you should create a A type record with the value and the same name as the domain you have added. Also, you should create a TXT type record with the link for a value and _contenthash.<name_of_the_domain> for a name.
  • ens-domain: you should create a CONTENT type record with the link for a value and the same name as the domain you have added.
const bucketDomain: Domain = await client.addBucketDomain(bucketId, {

Function addBucketDomain takes two parameters:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.
  • bucketDetails:
    • link - (string) - The link of the bucket.
    • type - (string) - The type of bucket.
    • name - (string) - The new domain/subdomain of the bucket. Eg:

After you have setup the record on your DNS provider, then you should call the verifyBucketDomain method to verify your domain on Spheron. After the domain is verified, the data behind the link will be cached on the Spheron CDN.


enum DomainTypeEnum {
  DOMAIN = "domain",
  SUBDOMAIN = "subdomain",
  HANDSHAKE_DOMAIN = "handshake-domain",
  HANDSHAKE_SUBDOMAIN = "handshake-subdomain",
  ENS_DOMAIN = "ens-domain",
interface Domain {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  link: string;
  verified: boolean;
  bucketId: string;
  type: DomainTypeEnum;

Verify Bucket Domain

Used to verify the domain, after which the content behind the domain will be cached on CDN.

const domainStatus: Domain = await client.verifyBucketDomain(

Function verifyBucketDomain takes two parameters:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.
  • domainIdentifier - (string) - It can either be the id of the domain or the name of the domain.


enum DomainTypeEnum {
  DOMAIN = "domain",
  SUBDOMAIN = "subdomain",
  HANDSHAKE_DOMAIN = "handshake-domain",
  HANDSHAKE_SUBDOMAIN = "handshake-subdomain",
  ENS_DOMAIN = "ens-domain",
interface Domain {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  link: string;
  verified: boolean;
  bucketId: string;
  type: DomainTypeEnum;

Update Bucket Domain

Used to update an existing domain of the Bucket.

const bucketDomain: Domain = await client.updateBucketDomain(

Function updateBucketDomain takes three parameters:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.
  • domainIdentifier - (string) - It can either be the id of the domain or the name of the domain.
  • options:
    • link - (string) - The link of the bucket.
    • name - (string) - The new domain/subdomain of the bucket. Eg:


enum DomainTypeEnum {
  DOMAIN = "domain",
  SUBDOMAIN = "subdomain",
  HANDSHAKE_DOMAIN = "handshake-domain",
  HANDSHAKE_SUBDOMAIN = "handshake-subdomain",
  ENS_DOMAIN = "ens-domain",
interface Domain {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  link: string;
  verified: boolean;
  bucketId: string;
  type: DomainTypeEnum;

Delete Bucket Domain

Used to delete the domain of the Bucket.

await client.deleteBucketDomain(bucketId, domainIdentifier);

Function deleteBucketDomain takes two parameters:

  • bucketId - (string) - The id of the bucket.
  • domainIdentifier - (string) - It can either be the id of the domain or the name of the domain.

Get CDN DNS Records

Used to get the values that should be set on your DNS provider for your bucket domains.

const { cdnARecords, cdnCnameRecords } = await client.getCdnDnsRecords();

Function getCdnDnsRecords doesn't take any parameters.


  • cdnARecords - (string) - will contain the DNS value that should be used for domains.
  • cdnCnameRecords - (string) - will contain the DNS value that should be used for subdomains.

Get Token Scope

Used to get the scope of the token.

const tokenScope: TokenScope = await client.getTokenScope();

Function getTokenScope takes no parameters.


interface TokenScope {
  user: {
    id: string,
    username: string,
    name: string,
    email: string,
  organizations: {
    id: string,
    name: string,
    username: string,

Storage Utility

Transforming CID from V0 to V1 and vice versa

The package also provides a couple of methods for transforming CID from V0 to V1 and vice verse.

import { ipfs } from "@spheron/storage";
const cid = <CID_VALUE>;
const v1 = ipfs.utils.toV1(cid);
console.log("CID V1", v1);
const v0 = ipfs.utils.toV0(cid);
console.log("CID V0", v0);
Spheron SDKBrowser Upload SDK