Reward Details

Reward Details for Fizz Nodes

To understand the rewarding system for Fizz nodes, let's first understand how reward emission works in the Spheron Protocol.

Reward Emission

Fizz nodes are incentivized with liveness points based on the resources they contribute to the network. This approach encourages participation and helps cover operational expenses (OpEx).

  • The liveness points are currently issued in FN (Fizz Node) Points until the launch of the $SPHN token. These points are non-transferable.
  • The liveness point is issued every ERA (which is 24 hours) and will be accumulated in the Fizz node's wallet.

Note: Fizz node operators are advised to securely save their wallet address to avoid losing the points.

Liveness points are determined based on the following factors:

Resource Rewards

Fizz earns points based on the GPU and compute resources it provides to the network. The higher the quality of the resource, the better the reward multiplier. Different resource categories will be introduced, each with different base points and multipliers based on tiering (e.g., CPU tiering). Currently, only GPU tiering with 10 tiers has been introduced.

How are resource points calculated?

Let's say you have x units of GPU A, which falls in Medium Tier 1 with a multiplier of 1x, and y units of GPU B, which falls in High Tier 2 with a multiplier of 6x. The base reward for GPU Tier is k. The resource reward calculation will be:

(x * 1 + y * 6) * k

GPU Resource Tiering

Fizz Node can earn points based on the GPU resources they contribute to the network. Different GPU models are categorized into tiers, each with its own multiplier. The higher the tier and multiplier, the greater the points for that GPU. Below is a table showing all supported GPU models, their tiers, and corresponding multipliers:

GPU ModelGPU NameTierMulti plierFNGPU / hrGPU / moCPU / moRAM / GB/moStor / GB/mo
NVIDIA T1000t1000Entry 10.1500$0.044$31.50$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA Tesla p4p4Entry 10.1500$0.046$32.90$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA GTX 1050gtx1050Entry 10.1500$0.005$3.85$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA GTX 1050 Tigtx1050tiEntry 10.1500$0.070$50.40$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA GTX 1060gtx1060Entry 10.1500$0.018$12.60$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA GTX 1070gtx1070Entry 10.1500$0.014$10.15$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA GTX 1070 Tigtx1070tiEntry 10.1500$0.105$75.60$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA GTX 1080gtx1080Entry 10.1500$0.053$37.80$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA GTX 1080 Tigtx1080tiEntry 10.1500$0.014$10.15$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA GTX 1650gtx1650Entry 10.1500$0.011$7.70$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA GTX 1650 Tigtx1650tiEntry 10.1500$0.012$8.75$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA GTX 1660gtx1660Entry 10.1500$0.014$10.15$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA GTX 1660 Tigtx1660tiEntry 10.1500$0.018$12.60$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA GTX 1660 Supergtx1660superEntry 10.1500$0.016$11.20$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 2050rtx2050Entry 10.1500$0.014$10.15$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 2060rtx2060Entry 10.1500$0.018$12.60$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 2060 Superrtx2060superEntry 10.1500$0.049$35.35$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 2070rtx2070Entry 10.1500$0.021$15.05$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 2080rtx2080Entry 20.25500$0.035$25.20$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 2080 Superrtx2080superEntry 20.25500$0.053$37.80$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 3050rtx3050Entry 20.25500$0.016$11.20$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 3060rtx3060Entry 20.25500$0.028$20.30$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 3060 Tirtx3060tiEntry 20.25500$0.032$22.75$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 3070rtx3070Entry 20.25500$0.037$26.60$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 3070 Tirtx3070tiEntry 20.25500$0.039$27.65$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 4050rtx4050Entry 20.25500$0.028$20.30$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 4060rtx4060Entry 20.25500$0.035$25.20$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 4060 Tirtx4060tiEntry 20.25500$0.039$28.35$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 4070rtx4070Entry 20.25500$0.046$33.25$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA Tesla P100 PCIep100Entry 20.25500$0.039$27.65$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX A4000rtxa4000Entry 20.25500$0.081$58.10$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 2080 Tirtx2080tiLow 10.5500$0.070$50.40$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 3080rtx3080Low 10.5500$0.070$50.40$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 3080 Tirtx3080tiLow 10.5500$0.116$83.30$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 4070 Tirtx4070tiLow 10.5500$0.063$45.50$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 4070 Ti Superrtx4070tisuperLow 10.5500$0.074$55.65$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 4000rtx4000Low 10.5500$0.060$42.70$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA P40p40Low 10.5500$0.105$75.60$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA Tesla T4t4Low 10.5500$0.035$25.20$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 4080rtx4080Low 20.75500$0.105$75.60$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA Titan RTXtitanrtxLow 20.75500$0.132$95.05$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 3090rtx3090Low 20.75500$0.126$90.65$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 3090 Tirtx3090tiLow 20.75500$0.168$121.10$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 4090rtx4090Medium 11500$0.175$126.00$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX 4000 Adartx4000-adaMedium 11500$0.140$100.80$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA RTX A5000rtxa5000Medium 11500$0.088$63.00$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA A10a10Medium 11500$0.091$65.45$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA A10Ga10gMedium 11500$0.123$88.20$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA L4l4Medium 11500$0.098$71.40$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA Tesla V100v100Medium 11500$0.088$63.00$0.75$0.1$0.01
NVIDIA A40a40Medium 11500$0.112$79.80$0.75$0.1$0.01

We support almost all Nvidia GPUs and are continuously adding support for new GPUs, including AMD GPUs. This table is useful if you want to lease a GPU for deployment or become a provider and lend your GPU. Here is the definition of the columns:

  • GPU Name: This is useful for users who want to lease a GPU. When specifying the GPU you want to lease, you need to provide the GPU's short name instead of the full name. Otherwise, the network won't recognize the GPU type, and the deployment will fail.
  • Tier: This helps providers understand which resource tier and associated multiplier they are eligible for. This is important for receiving points as part of the provider network.
  • Multiplier: This is the multiplier for the tier. This is important for receiving points as part of the provider network.
  • FN (Fizz Node Points): This is the base point for all GPUs in the tier in Spheron Points.
  • GPU / hr: This is the price for the GPU leasing in USD per hour. The price is calculated based on the GPU model and the tier taken from the market price of multiple GPU marketplaces.
  • GPU / mo: This is the price for the GPU leasing in USD per month. The price is calculated based on the GPU model and the tier taken from the market price of multiple GPU marketplaces.
  • CPU / mo: This is the price for the CPU in USD per month. The price is fixed at $0.75 per month for all GPU types.
  • RAM / GB/mo: This is the price for RAM in USD per GB per month. The price is fixed at $0.1 per GB per month for all GPU types.
  • Storage / GB/mo: This is the price for storage in USD per GB per month. The price is fixed at $0.01 per GB per month for all GPU types.

CPU Resource Tiering

The CPU Support & Tiering list categorizes various CPU types based on their performance and capabilities. Each tier has a specific multiplier within the Spheron protocol. Here's the detailed table below:

CPU TypeCPU NameTierMultiplierFNCPU / hrCPU / moRAM / GB/moStorage / GB/mo
General PurposegpMedium 1125$0.0004$0.26$0.1$0.01
APPLE M2 Prom2-proLow 20.7525$0.056$41.14$0.1$0.01
APPLE M2 Maxm2-maxMedium 1125$0.070$51.10$0.1$0.01
APPLE M3 Maxm3-maxMedium 1125$0.070$51.10$0.1$0.01
APPLE M3 Prom3-proLow 20.7525$0.056$41.14$0.1$0.01
APPLE M3m3Low 10.525$0.046$33.22$0.1$0.01
APPLE M2m2Low 10.525$0.039$28.11$0.1$0.01
APPLE M2 Ultram2-ultraMedium 21.525$0.150$108.00$0.1$0.01
APPLE M1m1Low 10.525$0.035$25.55$0.1$0.01
APPLE M1 Maxm1-maxLow 20.7525$0.049$35.77$0.1$0.01
APPLE M1 Prom1-proLow 10.525$0.044$31.94$0.1$0.01
APPLE M1 Ultram1-ultraLow 20.7525$0.180$129.60$0.1$0.01
APPLE M4m4Low 20.7525$0.055$39.95$0.1$0.01
APPLE M4 Prom4-proMedium 1125$0.064$46.08$0.1$0.01
APPLE M4 Maxm4-maxMedium 21.525$0.090$64.80$0.1$0.01

We support almost all CPU types and are continuously adding support for new CPUs. This table is useful if you want to lease a CPU for deployment or become a provider and lend your CPU. Here is the definition of the columns:

  • CPU Type: This is the full name of the Compute.
  • CPU Name: This is useful for users who want to lease a CPU. When specifying the CPU you want to lease, you need to provide the CPU's short name instead of the full name. Otherwise, the network won't recognize the CPU type, and the deployment will fail.
  • Tier: This helps providers understand which resource tier and associated multiplier they are eligible for. This is important for receiving points as part of the provider network.
  • Multiplier: This is the multiplier for the tier. This is important for receiving points as part of the provider network.
  • FN (Fizz Node Points): This is the base point for all CPUs in the tier in Spheron Points.
  • CPU / hr: This is the price for the CPU leasing in USD per hour. The price is calculated based on the CPU model and the tier taken from the market price of multiple CPU marketplaces.
  • CPU / mo: This is the price for the CPU leasing in USD per month. The price is calculated based on the CPU model and the tier taken from the market price of multiple CPU marketplaces.
  • RAM / GB/mo: This is the price for RAM in USD per GB per month. The price is fixed at $0.1 per GB per month for all CPU types.
  • Storage / GB/mo: This is the price for storage in USD per GB per month. The price is fixed at $0.01 per GB per month for all CPU types.

Uptime Requirement

Unlike provider nodes, Fizz nodes do not have a trust tiering system. The network assumes Fizz nodes are less reliable and suitable for specific use cases that don't require highly stable systems. However, there is still a minimum uptime requirement to receive points:

  • Fizz nodes must maintain at least 50% uptime within an ERA to receive points.
  • If a Fizz node's uptime falls below 50% in an ERA, their points for that ERA will be slashed (i.e., they will receive no points).

How Uptime is Calculated

Uptime for Fizz nodes is calculated using a simple hourly challenge system:

  • Every hour, at a random time, the network checks if the Fizz node is live and operational.
  • If the node responds successfully to the challenge, it passes the liveness check for that hour.
  • If the node fails to respond, the liveness check for that hour fails.
  • There are 24 challenges in total for each ERA (24-hour period).
  • If a Fizz node fails 12 or more challenges in an ERA (50% or more), its points for that ERA will be slashed.

This system ensures that Fizz nodes are incentivized to maintain a reasonable level of availability without the stricter requirements placed on provider nodes.

Reward Calculation

The reward for Fizz nodes is calculated based on two main factors:

  1. Resource Contribution: The amount and quality of resources (e.g., GPU, CPU, storage) contributed to the network.
  2. Uptime: Whether the node maintained at least 50% uptime during the ERA.

The final reward for an ERA is calculated as follows:

ERA Reward = Resource Reward Points * Uptime Factor

- Resource Reward is calculated based on the contributed resources
- Uptime Factor is 1 if uptime ≥ 50%, or 0 if uptime < 50%

Direct Earnings from Users

In addition to the liveness points, Fizz node operators can earn directly from users who lease their compute resources, providing an additional revenue stream for node operators.

How Direct Earnings Work

  1. User Leasing: When a user leases compute resources from your Fizz node using your client, they pay fees based on the pricing you set during the setup.

  2. Immediate Earnings: These earnings are credited to your account immediately after the lease is completed.

  3. Withdrawal: You can withdraw your earnings at any time from your dashboard.

Fee Structure

While you receive the majority of the earnings from user leases, there are some fees associated with each transaction:

  • Foundation Fee: 5% of the earnings goes to the Spheron Foundation
  • Provider Fee: 5% of the earning goes to the provider

This means that as a Fizz node operator, you receive 90% of the total amount paid by the user for leasing your compute resources.

Example: If a user pays 100 USDT tokens to lease your compute resources:

  • You receive: 90 USDT tokens
  • Spheron Foundation receives: 5 USDT tokens
  • Provider receives: 5 USDT tokens

By Offering competitive pricing and maintaining good resource availability can maximize your direct earnings from user leases and the liveness points.

Setup Fizz NodeFizz Node FAQ