Infrastructure Composition Language (ICL)

Infrastructure Composition Language (ICL)

Spheron Network uses a declarative system for resource allocation. Users specify their deployment requirements, services, datacenters and pricing parameters through a "manifest" file called deploy.yaml, written in Infrastructure Composition Language (ICL). ICL is designed to be user-friendly and follows the YAML standard, making it similar to Docker Compose files.

The deploy.yaml file, which can also use the .yml extension, serves as a request form for network resources.

It's structured into several key sections:

  1. Network Configuration
  2. Version
  3. Services
  4. Profiles
  5. Deployment
  6. GPU Support

NOTE: For examples of deployment configurations:

These examples demonstrate how to structure your deploy.yaml file for different deployment scenarios.

1. Network Configuration

The Infrastructure Composition Language (ICL) file allows you to define networking settings for your deployment. This determines how workloads can connect to each other and be accessed externally. By default, workloads within a deployment group are isolated, meaning no external connections are permitted. However, these restrictions can be adjusted as needed.

2. Version Configuration

The Spheron configuration file requires a version specification. At present, the only accepted value is "1.0".

3. Services Configuration

The services section at the top level of the configuration file defines the workloads for your Spheron deployment. It's structured as a map where each key represents a unique service name, and the corresponding value is another map with the following possible fields:

Field NameRequiredDescription
imageYesSpecifies the Docker image for the container. Caution: Using :latest tags is not recommended due to extensive caching by Spheron Providers.
commandNoDefines a custom command to be executed when launching the container.
argsNoProvides arguments for the custom command specified in the 'command' field.
envNoSets environment variables for the running container. Refer to the Environment Variables section for more details.
exposeNoDetermines which entities are permitted to connect to the services. See the Port Exposure section for additional information.

Environment Variables

The env field allows you to specify a list of environment variables that will be made available to the running container. These variables are defined in a key-value format. For example:

  - WALLET_ADDR=0xabcdedghijke
  - VERSION=1.0

Port Exposure

When configuring port exposure for your services, keep these points in mind:

  • HTTPS Support: Spheron deployments can use HTTPS, but only with self-signed certificates.
  • Signed Certificates: To implement properly signed certificates, you'll need to use a third-party solution like Cloudflare as a front-end.
  • Flexible Port Mapping: You're not limited to just port 80 for HTTP/HTTPS ingress. You can expose other ports and map them to port 80 using the as: 80 directive, provided your application understands HTTP/HTTPS protocols. This is particularly useful for applications like React web apps.
  • Simplified Port Exposure: In the ICL, it's only required to expose port 80 for web applications. However, this setup specifies that both ports 80 and 443 are exposed.
- port: 3000
  as: 80
    - global: true

The expose parameter is a list that defines the connections allowed to the service. Each entry in this list is a map that can include one or more of the following fields:

portYesSpecifies the container port that should be made accessible.
asNoDefines an alternative port number to expose the container port as.
acceptNoLists the hostnames for which connections should be accepted.
protoNoIndicates the protocol type. Can be set to either tcp or udp.
toNoEnumerates the entities permitted to connect to this port. Refer to the section for more details.

Keep in mind, The as parameter determines the default proto value.


  1. If as is not specified, it defaults to the value set by the mandatory port directive.
  2. When as is set to 80 (HTTP), the Kubernetes ingress controller automatically makes the application accessible via HTTPS as well. However, this uses the default self-signed ingress certificates.
portproto default
80http & https
all otherstcp & udp


The field defines a list of clients allowed to connect to a service. Each item in this list is a map that can contain one or both of these entries:

serviceA service in this deploymentN/APermit the specified service to establish a connection.
globaltrue or falsefalseIf set to true, allows connections from outside the datacenter

If no service is specified and global is set to true, any client can connect from any location (this is commonly desired for web servers).

If a service name is specified and global is set to false, only services within the current datacenter can connect. If a service name is specified and global is set to true, services from other datacenters within the deployment can connect.

When global is set to false, a service name must be provided.

4. Profiles

The profiles section is used to define named compute and placement profiles that can be referenced in the deployment section. It's also define the name of the deployment, duration of the lease created & the provider tiers. Below is the table describing the parameters:

Field NameRequiredDescription
nameNoSpecifies the name of the deployment. It's not unique but is useful for users to identify their deployments.
modeYesDefines where you want to deploy your app on. Spheron has 2 mode: provider & fizz. Refer to the Deployment Mode section for more details.
durationYesDefines the duration of the lease. Configured in 1s, 1min, 1h, 1d, 1mon, & 1y. Refer to the Lease Duration section for more details.
tiersNoSpecifies tiers of provider the deployment order need to be matched with. Can be multiple. Refer to the Deployment Tier section for more details.
computeYesSpecifies the compute resources that will be allocated to service instances. Refer to the services.env section for more details.
placementYesOutlines the necessary datacenter attributes and the pricing configuration. See the services.expose section for additional information.

Deployment Mode

Spheron offers two deployment modes:

  1. Provider Mode: Deploys directly to data center-grade providers. This mode offers:

    • Higher stability
    • Larger compute resources
    • Better bandwidth connections
    • Suitable for production-grade applications
    • To deploy in this mode, just write provider.
  2. Fizz Mode: Deploys to a network of smaller, consumer-grade devices. This mode offers:

    • Lower costs
    • Distributed deployment across many nodes
    • Less stability compared to Provider Mode
    • Suitable for testing or less resource-intensive applications
    • To deploy in this mode, just write fizz.

Choose the mode that best fits your application's requirements and budget.

Lease Duration

During the deployment you also pass duration to run the deployment which will be in 1s, 1min, 1h, 1d, 1mon, & 1y. This will specify how much time the lease need to run and accordingly lock funds to continue to run the deployment. When you close the deployment prematurely, then you will unlock the amount that has not been spent.

Deployment Tier

During deployment, you have the option to specify the tiers on which you want your deployment to be placed, whether on a specific or generalized provider tier. This feature is beneficial for developers who need high reliability and are willing to pay a premium for high-tier providers. Conversely, users with less critical requirements can choose lower-tier providers at a reduced cost. During the testnet phase, there is no premium margin on deployment as we are still finalizing the idea.

We have two general tiers: Secured and Community.

  • Secured Tier: This tier consists of high-tier providers who have consistently demonstrated high uptime in the network. It includes Provider Tiers 1 to 3.
  • Community Tier: This tier consists of lower-tier providers who have recently joined the network or have less reliable hardware. It includes Provider Tiers 4 to 7.

To deploy your services on any tier, use the following values:

securedCan be deployed on Provider Tiers 1 to 3.
communityCan be deployed on Provider Tiers 4 to 7.
secured-1Specifically deployed on Provider Tier 1.
secured-2Specifically deployed on Provider Tier 2.
secured-3Specifically deployed on Provider Tier 3.
community-1Specifically deployed on Provider Tier 4.
community-2Specifically deployed on Provider Tier 5.
community-3Specifically deployed on Provider Tier 6.
community-4Specifically deployed on Provider Tier 7.

Note: Users can specify multiple tiers during deployment, and the matchmaker will select the best possible provider based on the specified requirements and other parameters.

Compute Profiles

Within profiles.compute, you can create a map of named compute profiles. Each profile specifies the compute resources that will be allocated to service instances using that profile.


This defines a profile named api with resource requirements of 2 vCPUs, 4 gigabytes of memory, and 20 gigabytes of storage.

  cpu: 2
  memory: "4Gi"
  storage: "20Gi"

cpu units indicate a vCPU share, which can be fractional. Without a suffix, the value denotes a fraction of a whole CPU share. If an m suffix is used, the value specifies the number of milli-CPU shares, which equals 1/1000 of a CPU share.



memory and storage units are expressed in terms of bytes, with specific suffixes utilized to simplify their representation as follows:


Placement Profiles

profiles.placement is a map of named datacenter profiles. Each profile outlines the necessary datacenter attributes and the pricing configuration for each compute profile that will be utilized within the datacenter.


    region: us-east
      denom: USDT
      amount: 8000000

This defines a profile named useast with the required attributes {region="us-east"} and a maximum price of 8000000 (8 USDT with a precision of 6) per hour for the web compute profiles.

Providers can only assign themselves to a predefined set of regions. If you specify an unlisted region, no provider will bid on your deployment, causing it to fail automatically. Please refer to the list mentioned in the Supported Regions section.

Note: Precision is crucial for any deployment on Spheron. All token values passed in ICL or CLI must have the correct precision. For details on token precision, refer to the Supported Payment Token section.

5. Deployment Configuration

The deployment section is where you define the specific deployment strategy for your services. It's structured as a map, with each service name corresponding to its deployment configuration.

For each service you want to deploy, you create an entry in the deployment section. This entry combines datacenter profiles with compute profiles to specify the final resource configuration for the service.


    profile: api
    count: 30

This specifies that 30 instances of the api service should be deployed to a datacenter that matches the useast datacenter profile. Each instance will have access to the resources defined in the api compute profile.

6. GPU Integration Support in Compute Profiles

You can add GPUs to your workload by including them in the compute profile section. The placement of the GPU stanza is illustrated in the full compute profile example below.

Note: When specifying the GPU model, such as h100 in this example, ensure that the model name matches the conventions listed in the provided reference.

          units: 8.0
          size: 12Gi
          size: 10Gi
          units: 1
                - model: a100

Additional GPU Use Notes

Complete GPU ICL Example

For a comprehensive example of a GPU-enabled ICL, refer to this example (opens in a new tab) which includes the declaration of several GPU models.

Optional Model Specification

Specifying a GPU model in the ICL is optional. If your deployment does not require a specific GPU model, you can leave the model declaration blank, as demonstrated in the following example.

  units: 1

Declaring Multiple Models

If your deployment is optimized to run on multiple GPU models, include the relevant list of models as shown in the example below. In this setup, any Spheron provider with a listed model will bid on the deployment.

  units: 1
        - model: rtx4090
        - model: t4

Specifying GPU RAM

Optionally, the ICL can include a GPU RAM/VRAM requirement, as illustrated in the example below.

  units: 1
        - model: a100
          ram: 80Gi

Specifying GPU Interface

Optionally, the ICL can include a GPU interface requirement, as shown in the example below.

Note: Only the values pcie or sxm should be used in the Spheron ICL. There are several variants of the SXM interface, but only the simple sxm value should be used in the ICL.

  units: 1
        - model: h100
          interface: sxm

Specifying GPU with RAM and Interface

Here is an example of specifying both RAM and interface in the ICL GPU section.

  units: 1
        - model: h100
          interface: pcie
          ram: 90Gi

Note: For detailed information on GPU support and the corresponding model names, please refer to the GPU support page.

Deploy Your AppProtocol CLI