Logs, Metrics & Activity
You can find the following three types of logs on the instance page:
- Instance Logs
- Instance Events
- Deploy Logs
Instance Logs
Instance logs are generated by the instance itself. They can be useful for troubleshooting and debugging issues within the instance and the applications running on it.
Instance Events
Instance events provide information on events related to the instance, such as when it was started or stopped, when changes were made to its configuration, and when upgrades or maintenance were performed. Instance events can be useful for tracking the history of an instance and understanding how it has been used over time.
Deploy Logs
Deploy logs generated during the container deployment or updates to the container running on the instance. Deploy logs can be useful for tracking the progress of a deployment, identifying errors or issues that may have occurred during the deployment, and verifying that the deployment was successful.
Shell offers a simple shell environment allowing users to execute shell commands directly on the selected instance.
Commands executed within the shell should not exceed a 30-second runtime; otherwise, they will timeout. Refer the following guides for running commands in the background: How to run Linux commands in background (opens in a new tab).
NOTE: Shell is only available for instances that have been successfully provisioned.
Instance Metrics provides detailed insights into the performance and usage of your provisioned instances. This allows you to closely monitor the CPU and RAM utilization of your instances, enabling you to make informed decisions and optimize your resource allocation for maximum efficiency.
On the Metrics page, you can filter metrics by hours or minutes and choose whether to show the average usage or the maximum usage.
NOTE: Instance Metrics are available only for On Demand and Autoscale compute types.
Activity provides all the updates that happen in between deployments. The deployment occurs only once, and these updates are only generated when settings are modified. This includes updates on the status of a deployment, such as whether it is successful, failed, or is currently in progress.