
Instance Settings

Port Policy

Port Policy provides details about the Internal Port, External Port, and Connection URL for the deployed instance.

  • Internal Port is the port number used by the application running inside the deployed instance. It is only accessible within the instance.
  • External Port is the port number that is exposed to the outside world, allowing incoming traffic to reach the deployed instance. It is the port number that users will use to access the application.
  • Connection URL is the URL that users can use to access the application running inside the deployed instance. It includes the external IP address or domain name of the instance, along with the external port number.

Instance Plan

Instance plan shows details about the allocation of CPU, memory, and SSD storage available in your selected plan. It also provides details about the plan and its pricing.


Once you have selected an instance plan, it cannot be changed.

Additional Configuration

Additional configuration section allows users to further customize their settings. It provides options for configuring Environment Variables, Commands, Arguments and Health Check.

NOTE: Adding additional configuration triggers an update deployment for the instance.

Configure Settings

Configure Settings allows you to configure Environment Variables, Commands, or Arguments.

Environment Variables

  1. Click "New Variable" to add a new environment variable.
  2. Add key and value. Use the Secret Key toggle if the value is a secret key.


  1. Click "New Command" to add a new command.


  1. Click "New Argument" to add a new argument.

NOTE: You can Update Instance after configuring any of the settings to initiate deployment.

Health Check

You can configure Health Check by clicking on "Health Check" under Additional Configuration.

  1. Use the toggle button to enable or disable the health check.
  2. Add the desired health check path and health check port.
  3. Click "Save."
Instance DomainsCompute Usage