

Spheron offers Autoscale compute that dynamically adjusts the allocation of computational resources based on real-time changes in application demands. This automated process allows the system to seamlessly scale resources up or down to match varying workloads, ensuring optimal performance and efficient resource utilization. By continuously monitoring key performance metrics, Autoscale ensures that the right amount of resources is provisioned at any given time, minimizing underutilization during low demand and preventing performance bottlenecks during peak usage.

How to use Autoscale Compute?

With Docker

To use Autoscale compute with a custom Docker image on Spheron:

  1. Click "New Cluster" on the top right corner.
  2. Select Import from Docker Hub.
  3. Enter the names for your cluster and docker image.
  4. Then, Add the tag and Click "Next".
  5. Select "Autoscale" under Compute Type.
  6. When selecting a region, we recommend starting by trying to deploy in a region closer to you. If you encounter any issues, you can consider switching to other regions. Choosing a region closer to you can improve performance and reduce latency. Click here to know more.
  7. Select the instance plan that suits your needs. Use the "Create Custom Plan" toggle to create custom plans for your instance.
  8. Configure Storage (SSD) plan for your instance. Use the "Add Persistent Storage" toggle to add persistent storage for your instance.
  9. Create new Port Policy Mapping. Add the container port, and Select the exposed port you want to map it to. Click here to know more.
  10. Add Environment Variable, if any.
  11. Add Secret Environment Variable if the value is a secret key. It will not be saved in the database. Click here to know more.
  12. Under Auto Scaling, Choose an instance plan that best suits your needs.
  13. Set the maximum number of replicas allowed for your application. Autoscale will not exceed this limit.
  14. Set the minimum number of replicas required for your application. Autoscale will ensure that your application always has at least this many replicas running.
  15. You can create auto scaling custom plans if required. Click here to know more.
  16. You can add advanced configuration if required. Click here to know more.
  17. You can add health checkup if required. Click here to know more.
  18. Click "Deploy" to initiate deployment.

With Marketplace App

To use Autoscale compute with a marketplace app on Spheron:

  1. Click "New Cluster" on the top right corner.
  2. Select Start from marketplace app.
  3. Pick your desired template from the marketplace.
  4. Select "Autoscale" under Compute Type.
  5. When selecting a region, we recommend starting by trying to deploy in a region closer to you. If you encounter any issues, you can consider switching to other regions. Choosing a region closer to you can improve performance and reduce latency. Click here to know more.
  6. Select the instance plan that suits your needs. Use the "Create Custom Plan" toggle to create custom plans for your instance.
  7. Configure Storage (SSD) plan for your instance. Use the "Add Persistent Storage" toggle to add persistent storage for your instance.
  8. Under Auto Scaling, Choose an instance plan that best suits your needs.
  9. Set the maximum number of replicas allowed for your application. Autoscale will not exceed this limit.
  10. Set the minimum number of replicas required for your application. Autoscale will ensure that your application always has at least this many replicas running.
  11. You can create auto scaling custom plans if required. Click here to know more.
  12. You can add advanced configuration if required. Click here to know more.
  13. Click "Deploy" to initiate deployment.

How to update configuration of your instance?

To update the configuration of your instance:

  1. Select your instance and Go to the Settings tab, below the cluster information card.
  2. Click "Update Instance" under the Instance Plan section.
  3. Update the instance plan to suit your needs. Use the "Create Custom Plan" toggle to create custom plans for your instance.
  4. Configure Storage (SSD) plan for your instance. Use the "Add Persistent Storage" toggle to add persistent storage for your instance.
  5. You can update advanced configuration if required. Click here to know more.
  6. Under the Auto Scaling tab, you can update an instance plan to suit your needs.
  7. You can update the maximum and minimum number of replicas allowed for your application.
  8. You can update to auto scaling custom plans if required. Click here to know more.
  9. Click "Save" to update deployment.

Custom Plans in Auto Scaling

You can use the "Custom Plan / Specification" toggle to create custom plans.

  • Max Replica: Set the maximum number of replicas allowed for your application. Autoscale will not exceed this limit.
  • Min Replica: Set the minimum number of replicas required for your application. Autoscale will ensure that your application always has at least this many replicas running.
  • Time Window: Define the time window within which Autoscale will consider scaling actions. For example, if you set it to 5 minutes, Autoscale will evaluate performance metrics over the past 5 minutes to decide whether to scale.
  • Cooldown: Set a cooldown period between scaling actions. During this period, Autoscale will not perform any additional scaling actions to allow the system to stabilize.
  • No. of Windows (Before Scaling Evaluation): Specify the number of time windows to consider before evaluating whether scaling is needed.
  • Threshold % (No. of checks in Alarm): Set the threshold percentage (the number of checks in an alarm state) required to trigger a scaling action.

Scale Up Policy

  • CPU: Define the CPU utilization threshold that, when exceeded, triggers a scaling action to increase the number of replicas. You can add the number of steps to gradually scale up your application based on CPU utilization.
  • RAM: Specify the RAM utilization threshold that, when exceeded, triggers a scaling action to increase the number of replicas. You can add the number of steps to gradually scale up your application based on RAM utilization.

Scale Down Policy

  • CPU: Define the CPU utilization threshold that, when not met, triggers a scaling action to decrease the number of replicas. You can add the number of steps to gradually scale down your application based on CPU utilization.
  • RAM: Specify the RAM utilization threshold that, when not met, triggers a scaling action to decrease the number of replicas. You can add the number of steps to gradually scale down your application based on RAM utilization.
On DemandCompute Plans