

Plan Usage

Plan Usage in Spheron provides an overview of the cumulative utilization of various resources and features within your organization's plan. It includes the following metrics:

  • Members
    It is the total number of members in the organization.
  • Cluster Build Execution
    It is the total time a Spheron deployer was used to deploy your instances.
  • Domain
    It is the total number of domains used by the organization.
  • Requests
    It is the total number of website requests that have been made for all the domains in your organization.

Compute Plan Usage

You can view the compute usage in the Compute Usage section under the Billing tab. It includes the following information related to your compute usage:

  • Total Spent
    It is the total cost of your compute usage so far. It is important to track your overall spending and ensure that you stay within your budget.
  • Average Daily Cost
    It calculates the average cost per day of your compute usage. It is useful for understanding how much you are spending on a daily basis and can help you identify trends in your usage.
  • Total Instances Deployed
    It tracks the number of instances that you have deployed so far. It can help you understand how much computing power you are using.
  • Balance
    It shows the balance in your wallet.
  • Wallet usage
    It shows how much money you have left to spend on your compute plan.

Cluster Usage

You can also view the compute usage per cluster. It gives a more detailed view of your usage and helps you understand how specific clusters are contributing to your overall costs. It includes the following information:

  • Total Spent
    It is the total cost of your compute usage so far. It is important to track your overall spending and ensure that you stay within your budget.
  • Average Daily Usage
    It calculates the average cost per day of your compute usage. It is useful for understanding how much you are spending on a daily basis and can help you identify trends in your usage.
  • Total Reserved
    It shows the cumulative amount of all the reserved fees for all active instances in the cluster. Whenever an instance is deployed on Spheron, a security fee of approximately ~1.3 USD is reserved, which will be refunded upon closing the instance.
  • Total Orders
    It shows the total number of instances deployed so far.

Instance Usage

You can also view the compute usage per instance. It gives a more detailed view of your usage and helps you understand how specific instances are contributing to your overall costs. It includes the following information:

  • Instance ID
    It is the id of the instance. You can click on Go to Instance to go to the instance page.
  • Date Created
    It shows the date when the instance was created.
  • Last Updated
    It shows the date when the instance was last updated.
  • Average Daily Cost
    It calculates the average cost per day of your instance usage. It is useful for understanding how much you are spending on a daily basis and can help you identify trends in your usage.
  • Total Spent
    It is the total cost of your instance usage so far. It is important to track your overall spending and ensure that you stay within your budget.
  • Reserved
    It shows the cumulative amount of all the reserved fees for the instances in the cluster. Whenever an instance is deployed on Spheron, a security fee of approximately ~1.3 USD is reserved, which will be refunded upon closing the instance.
  • Status
    It shows the status of your instance.
Instance SettingsCompute Type