Members & Roles

Members and Roles

You can navigate to Team from the navbar to view the members of your organization. Spheron allows you to assign roles to these members. Roles are a set of permissions that defines the actions a user can perform in an organization.
You can choose from the following three roles:

  • Owner: Full access
  • Admin: Can manage billing and domains along with all the member access
  • Member: Only has view access and can deploy projects

NOTE: Only Owners and Admins can assign roles and invite members to join the organization.

Invite Members

To invite members to your organization:

  1. Navigate to Team from the navbar.
  2. Click on "Add Members" in the Pending Invites section.
  3. Enter the email address of members separated by commas (without spaces) and Click "Send."

These members will receive an invitation email from Spheron. All members are assigned a member role when they first join the organization. You can then assign them different roles.

NOTE: You can send max five emails at once.

Troubleshoot: Check the spam folder if you cannot find the email in your inbox.

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