Cloud SDK

Spheron Cloud SDK

The Cloud SDK is currently unmaintained and needs some of the latest updates to be on the same version as the Cloud API.

The Spheron Cloud SDK is a npm package that provides support for working with Spheron Cloud platform service.

NOTE: The package is only meant for Node.js environments and will not work in a browser or frontend apps.


Using NPM

npm i @spheron/compute

Using Yarn

yarn add @spheron/compute


To use the Spheron Cloud SDK, you have to create an instance of SpheronClient.

import { SpheronClient } from "@spheron/compute";
const spheron = new SpheronClient({ token });

The SpheronClient constructor takes an object that has one property token. Follow the instructions in the DOCS (opens in a new tab) to generate this token. The SpheronClient has five properties:

  • organization provides methods for working with the organization.
  • cluster provides methods for working with cluster.
  • instance provides methods for working with specific instance.
  • computeMarketplace provides methods for getting information about marketplace apps.
  • computeMachine provides methods for getting information about available compute machines.


The methods for working with the organization are available on the organization property of the SpheronClient object.


Used to get the organization based on the passed id.

const organization: Organization = await spheron.organization.get();

Returns an Organization object.

interface Organization {
  id: string;
  profile: {
    name: string,
    username: string,
    image: string,

NOTE: At the moment, Spheron Tokens are scoped to a single organization. So you can only use them to get information about the organization for which you have created the token.


Used to get the clusters of the organization. The method supports pagination.

const clusters: Cluster[] = await spheron.organization.getClusters({
  skip: 0,
  limit: 10,


  • options
    • skip (number) - number of clusters to skip.
    • limit (number) - number of clusters to take.

Return an array of clusters. Checkout the get cluster section for more details on the cluster interface properties.


Used to get the current subscription usage of the organization.

const usage: UsageWithLimits = await spheron.organization.getUsage();

Returns the UsageWithLimits object.

interface UsageWithLimits {
  used: {
    computeCredit: number, // the amount used by the organization, in usd
    computeBuildExecution: number, // the time used for builds, in seconds
    numberOfRequests: number, // the number of requests organization has had until now
    bandwidth: number, // the bytes of bandwidth used for current subscription
    domains: number, // the number of domains and subdomains an organization has
  limit: {
    computeCredit: number, // the amount limit for organization, in usd
    computeBuildExecution: number, // the time limit for builds, in seconds
    bandwidth: number, // the limit of bandwidth for subscription
    domains: number, // the limit on how many domains and subdomains can an organization have


The methods for working with clusters are available on the cluster property of the SpheronClient object.


Used to get the cluster based on the passed Id.

const cluster: Cluster = await spheron.cluster.get(clusterId);


  • Id of the cluster.

Returns an object of type Cluster.

interface Cluster {
  id: string; // id of a cluster
  name: string; // name of a cluster
  url: string; // docker image
  proivder: ProviderEnum; // docker image provider (currently only dockerhub is supported)
  createdBy: string; // id of the user that created cluster
  createdAt: Date;
  updatedAt: Date;
enum ProviderEnum {


Used to delete a cluster.

await spheron.cluster.delete(clusterId);

Method return type is void. If there is an issue while deleting, an error will be thrown.

NOTE: Clusters with running instances cannot be deleted.


Used for getting information about instances in the cluster.

const instanceInfo: InstancesInfo = await spheron.cluster.getInstancesInfo(

Returns an object of type InstancesInfo.

interface InstancesInfo {
  provisioned: number; // number of provisioned instances in the cluster
  provisioning: number; // number of provisioning instances in the cluster
  failedToProvision: number; // number of fail to provision instances in the cluster
  closed: number; // number of closed instances in the cluster
  total: number; // total number of instances in the cluster


Used to get the current funds usage of the cluster.

const clusterUsage: ClusterFundsUsage = await spheron.cluster.getUsage(


  • Id of the cluster.

Returns an object of type ClusterFundsUsage.

interface ClusterFundsUsage {
  dailyUsage: number; // cluster daily usage in usd
  usedTillNow: number; // cluster daily usage in usd


Used to get the list of instances in the cluster. The method supports pagination.

const instances: InstanceDetailed[] = await spheron.cluster.getInstances(
    skip: 0,
    limit: 10,


  • Id of the cluster.
  • options
    • skip (number) - number of instances to skip.
    • limit (number) - number of instances to take.

Returns an array of InstanceDetailed objects. Checkout the get instance section for more details on the instance interface properties.

interface InstanceDetailed {
  id: string; // id of a istance
  state: InstanceStateEnum; // state of a instance
  name: string; // name of a instance
  deployments: Array<string>; // list of all instance deployment ids
  cluster: string; // instance cluster id
  activeDeployment: string; // id of active deployment
  agreedMachine: MachineImageType; // compute machine information
  healthCheck: HealthCheck; // instance health check endpoint information
  cpu: number; // compute machine cpu
  memory: string; // compute machine memory
  storage: string; // compute machine storage
  image: string; // docker image
  tag: string; // docker tag
  createdAt: Date;
  updatedAt: Date;


The methods for working with instances are available on the instance property of the SpheronClient object.


Used for deploying new instance.

const instanceResponse: InstanceResponse =
  await spheron.instance.create({
  clusterName: "hello world",
  configuration: {
    image: "crccheck/hello-world",
    tag: "latest",
    ports: [{ containerPort: 8000, exposedPort: 8000 }],
    environmentVariables: [],
    secretEnvironmentVariables: [],
    commands: [],
    args: [],
    region: "any",
    replicas: 1,
    // machineImageId: ventusSmallId
    persistentStorage: {
      size: 10
      class: PersistentStorageClassEnum.HDD
      mountPoint: "/etc/data"
    customSpecs: {
      cpu: 1;
      memory: 2;
  healthCheckConfig: {
    path: "/",
    port: 8000
  type: ComputeTypeEnum.DEMAND


  • clusterName (string) - name of the cluster.

  • configuration the name of the variable.

    • image (string) - dockerhub image url (should be publicly available).
    • tag (string) - tag for docker image.
    • ports (Port[]) - list of port mappings.
    • environmentVariables (EnvironmentVariable[]) - (optional) list of environment variables.
    • secretEnvironmentVariables (EnvironmentVariable[]) - (optional) list of secret environment variables.
    • commands (string[]) - (optional) list of executables for docker CMD command.
    • args (string[]) - (optional) list of params for docker CMD command.
    • region (string) - region in which to deploy the instance. List of available can be acquired from the getRegions section under compute machine section.
    • replicas (number) - number of instance replicas.
    • storage (number): size of storage in GB. It must be valued between 1 and 1024. This is temporary storage data stored in it is lost when the instance closes.
    • machineImageId (string) - (optional) id of machine image which should be used for deploying instance. List of available machines can be acquired from get the section under compute machine section. Leave empty in case of using the custom spec.
    • healthCheckConfig (optional)
      • path (string) - path on which health check should be done.
      • port (number) - container port on which health check should be done.
    • persistentStorage (optional)
      • size (number) - size of persistent storage in GB. Must be a value between 1 and 1024.
      • class (PersistentStorageClassEnum) - class of persistant storage (HDD, SSD, NVMe).
      • mountPoint (number) - mount point of persistent storage.
    • customSpecs (optional) - Leave empty in case of using a predefined machine image.
      • cpu (number) - custom cpu value, for instance. Available values are [0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32].
      • memory (number) - custom memeory value, for instance. Available values are [0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32].
    • type (Enum): The computation type, which determines how your instance is allocated and billed.
      • ComputeTypeEnum.SPOT - Spheron offers Spot compute where the allocation of computational resources is static and fixed. Resource allocation remains unchanged regardless of workload fluctuations or application demands, offering a straightforward approach without complex configurations. Learn more (opens in a new tab).
      • ComputeTypeEnum.DEMAND - Spheron offers On Demand compute, allowing users to adjust the computational resources allocated to an instance. Users can make decisions to increase or decrease resources such as CPU, memory, or storage to meet changing performance requirements. This type provides direct control over resource adjustments, optimizing for specific workload characteristics and immediate operational needs. Learn more (opens in a new tab).
  • Port

    • containerPort (number) - container port that will be mapped.
    • exposedPort (number) - port to be mapped to.

NOTE: At the moment, only mapping to port 80 can be guaranteed. For all the others, the container port will be mapped to a random port assigned on instance deployment.

  • { containerPort: 3000, exposedPort: 80 } - port 3000 will be mapped to port 80.
  • { containerPort: 3000, exposedPort: 3000 } - port 3000 will be mapped to random port.
  • EnvironmentVariable
    • key (string) - key of the environment variable.
    • value (string) - value of the environment variable.

Returns InstanceResponse object, indicating instance deployment has started. If there is an issue while deploying, an error will be thrown.

interface InstanceResponse {
  clusterId: string; // id of cluster instance is deployed in
  instanceId: string; // id of instance
  instanceDeploymentId: string; // id of instance deployment


Used to get Instance based on the passed id.

const instance: Instance = await spheron.instance.get(instanceId);


  • Id of the instance.

Returns object of a type Instance.

interface Instance {
  id: string; // id of a istance
  state: InstanceStateEnum; // state of a instance
  name: string; // name of a instance
  deployments: Array<string>; // list of all instance deployment ids
  cluster: string; // instance cluster id
  activeDeployment: string; // id of active deployment
  agreedMachine: MachineImageType; // compute machine information
  healthCheck?: HealthCheck; // instance health check endpoint information
  createdAt: Date;
  updatedAt: Date;
interface MachineImageType {
    machineName: string; // compute machine type
    agreementDate: number; // date of deploying instance
enum InstanceStateEnum {
interface HealthCheck {
    path: string; // healthcheck path
    port: Port; // cotainer port on which healthcheck should be done
    status: HealthStatusEnum; // latest health check status
    timestamp: Date; // timestamp of last health check
enum HealthStatusEnum {


Used to delete a instance.

await spheron.instance.delete(instanceId);

Method return type is void. If there is an issue while deleting, an error will be thrown.


Used to update instance.

await spheron.instance.update(
    environmentVariables: [{ key: "key", value: "value"}],
    secretEnvironmentVariables: [{ key: "key", value: "value"}],
    commands: ["executable"],
    args: ["param"],
    tag: "latest",
    storage: 10,
    persistentStorage: {
      size: 10
      class: PersistentStorageClassEnum.HDD
      mountPoint: "/etc/data"
    customSpecs: {
      cpu: 1;
      memory: 2;
    instanceCount: 2,


  • environmentVariables (EnvironmentVariable[]) - (optional) list of the environment variables.
  • secretEnvironmentVariables (EnvironmentVariable[]) - (optional) list of secret environment variables.
  • commands (string[]) - (optional) list of executables for docker CMD command.
  • args (string[]) - (optional) list of params for docker CMD command.
  • tag (string[]) - (optional) tag for docker image.
  • storage (number) - (optional) size of storage in GB. Must be value between 1 and 1024. This is temporary storage data stored in it is lost when the instance closes.
  • persistentStorage (optional)
    • size (number) - size of persistent storage in GB. Must be value between 1 and 1024.
    • class (PersistentStorageClassEnum) - class of persistant storage (HDD, SSD, NVMe).
    • mountPoint (number) - mount point of persistent storage.
  • customSpecs (optional) - Leave empty in case of using a predefined machine image.
    • cpu (number) - custom cpu value, for instance. Available values are [0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32].
    • memory (number) - custom memeory value, for instance. Available values are [0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32].
  • instanceCount (number) - (optional) - number of instance.

Note: Values for persistentStorage, customSpecs, and instanceCount can only be updated if the compute type is set to "on-demand" when deploying the instance.

Returns InstanceResponse object, indicating instance update has started.

interface InstanceResponse {
  clusterId: string; // id of cluster instance is deployed in
  instanceId: string; // id of instance
  instanceDeploymentId: string; // id of instance deployment


Used to update endpoint used for instance health check.

const updated = await spheron.instance.updateHealthCheck(instanceId, {
  path: "/health",
  port: 3000,


  • Id of the instance.
  • Id of the environment variable.
  • healthCheck
    • path (string) - health check path.
    • port (number) - container port on which health check should be done.

Returns the response indicating if the update was successful.

  message: string; // the response message
  success: boolean; // the flag signaling if action was successful


Used to close the instance.

const closed = await spheron.instance.close(instanceId);


  • Id of the instance.

Returns the response indicating if the update was successful.

  message: string; // the response message
  success: boolean; // the flag signaling if action was successful


Used to get the instance deployment based on the passed id.

const deployment: InstanceDeployment; = await spheron.instance.getInstanceDeployment(deploymentId);


  • Id of the instance deployment.

Returns an InstanceDeployment object.

interface InstanceDeployment {
  id: string; // id of deployment
  type: DeploymentTypeEnum; // type of deployment
  status: DeploymentStatusEnum; // status of deployment
  buildTime: number; // deployment build time
  instance: string; // id of instance
  connectionUrls: string; // list of connection url for the deployed instance
  deploymentInitiator: string; // userId that initiated deployment
  instanceConfiguration: {
    image: string; // docker image
    tag: string; // docker image tag
    ports: Array<Port>; // port mappings
    environmentVariables: Array<EnvironmentVar>; // environment variables
    secretEnvironmentVariables: Array<EnvironmentVar>; // secret environment variables
    commands: Array<string>; // list of executables for docker CMD command
    args: Array<string>; // list of params for docker CMD command
    region: string; // region to which instance is deployed
    agreedMachineImage: MachineImageType
// Note: This is used to determine the instance deployment type
enum DeploymentTypeEnum {
enum DeploymentStatusEnum {
interface Port {
    containerPort: number; // container port
    exposedPort: number; // eposed port container port is mapped to
interface EnvironmentVariable {
  key: string; // environment variable key
  value: string; // environment variable value
  isSecret: boolean; // is environment variable secret
interface MachineImageType {
    machineName: string; // compute machine name
    agreementDate: number; // date of deploying instance
    cpu: number; // compute machine cpu
    memory: number; // compute machine memory
    storage: number; // compute machine storage
    persistentStorage?: { // persistent storege information
      size: number; // persistent storage size in GB
      class: PersistentStorageClassEnum; // persistent storage class - HDD/SSD/NVMe
      mountPoint: string; // persistent storage mount point
enum PersistentStorageClassEnum {


Used to fetch InstanceDeployment with specified logs.

const instanceLogs: Array<string> = await spheron.instance.getInstanceLogs(
      from: 0;
      to: 1000;
      logType: InstanceLogType.DEPLOYMENT_LOGS;
      search: searchString;


  • Id of the deployment.
  • options
    • from (number) - from which line you want to fetch the first log.
    • to (number) - till which line you want to fetch the logs.
    • logType (InstanceLogType) - log type to fetch (deployment logs/instance logs/instance events).
    • search (string) - search string (optional).
  enum InstanceLogType {
    DEPLOYMENT_LOGS, // the logs of instance deployment process
    INSTANCE_LOGS, // the logs from container running on instance
    INSTANCE_EVENTS // the logs of instance events

Returns a list for instance deployment logs.


Used to create new instance from the marketplace app.

const instanceCreate: MarketplaceInstanceResponse =
  await spheron.instance.createFromMarketplace({
      marketplaceAppId: marketplaceAppId;
      environmentVariables: [
        {key: "User", value: "admin"},
        {key: "Password", value: "super secret password"},
        {key: "Database", value: "mydb" }
      //machineImageId: machineId;
      region: "any";
      replicas: 1,
      persistentStorage: {
        size: 10
        class: PersistentStorageClassEnum.HDD
        mountPoint: "/etc/data"
      customSpecs: {
        cpu: 1;
        memory: 2;


  • marketplaceAppId (string) - Id of marketplace app. List of available apps can be acquired from the get the section under compute marketplace section.
  • environmentVariables (EnvironmentVariable[]) - list of the environment variables for specified marketplace app. A list of available environment variables can be found in the MarketplaceApp object.
  • machineImageId (string) - (optional) name of machine image which should be used for deploying instance. List of available can be acquired from get the section under compute machine section. Leave empty in case of using the custom spec.
  • region (string) - region in which to deploy the instance. List of available can be acquired from the getRegions section under compute machine section.
  • replicas (number) - number of instance replicas.
  • storage (number) size of storage in GB. Must be value between 1 and 1024. This is temporary storage data stored in it is lost when the instance closes.
  • persistentStorage (optional)
    • size (number) - size of persistent storage in GB. Must be value between 1 and 1024.
    • class (PersistentStorageClassEnum) - class of persistant storage (HDD, SSD, NVMe).
    • mountPoint (number) - mount point of persistent storage.
  • customSpecs (optional) - Leave empty in case of using predefined machine image.
    • cpu (number) - custom cpu value for instance. Avalilable values are [0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32].
    • memory (number) - custom memeory value for instance. Avalilable values are [0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32].

Returns MarketplaceInstanceResponse object, indicating instance deployment has started. If there is an issue while deploying, an error will be thrown.

interface MarketplaceInstanceResponse {
  marketplaceApp: MarketplaceApp; // marketplace app used
  marketplaceAppId: string; // the id of the marketplace app
  clusterId: string; // the id of the cluster instance belongs to
  instanceId: string; // the id of the instance
  instanceDeploymentId: string; // the id of the instance deployment


Used to get the domains of an instance.

const domains: Domain[] = await spheron.instance.getDomains(instanceId);


  • Id of the instance.

Returns an array of instance domains.

interface Domain {
  id: string; // the id of the domain
  name: string; // the domain name
  verified: boolean; // true means that the domain is verified and that it will start serving the content
  link: string; // the link to which the domain points to
  type: DomainTypeEnum; // the type of the domain
  instanceId: string; // the instance id of which the domain is
enum DomainTypeEnum {


Used to add a new domain to an instance.

const domain: Domain = await spheron.instance.addDomain(instanceId, {
  name: "",
  type: DomainTypeEnum.DOMAIN,
  link: connectionUrl,


  • Id of the instance.
  • options
    • name (string) - the domain name.
    • type (DomainTypeEnum) - the domain type.
    • link (string) - one of the connectionUrls list elements of an active deployment of the instance to which the domain will point to.

Returns the newly created domain. After a domain is created, you need to call the verifyDomain function for it to work.


Used to update a domain of an instance.

const domain: Domain = await spheron.instance.updateDomain(
    name: "",
    type: DomainTypeEnum.DOMAIN,
    link: connectionUrl,


  • Id of the instance.
  • Domain identifier. The domain identifier can be the domain id or the domain name itself.
  • domain
    • name (string) - the domain name.
    • type (DomainTypeEnum) - the domain type.
    • link (string) - one of the connectionUrls list elements of an active deployment of the instance to which the domain will point to.

Returns the updated domain. If the domain name is updated, you need to call the verifyDomain function again.


Used to verify the domain, after which the content behind the domain will be cached on CDN.

const domain: Domain = await spheron.instance.verifyDomain(


  • Id of the instance.
  • Domain identifier. The domain identifier can be the domain id or the domain name itself.

Returns the verified domain.


Used to get the values that should be set on your DNS provider for your bucket domains.

const { cdnARecords, cdnCnameRecords } =
  await client.projects.getCdnDnsRecords();

Function getCdnDnsRecords doesn't take any parameters.


  • cdnARecords - (string) - will contain the DNS value that should be used for domains.
  • cdnCnameRecords - (string) - will contain the DNS value that should be used for subdomains.


Used to delete a domain of an instance.

await spheron.instance.deleteDomain(instanceId, domainId);


  • Id of the instance.
  • Domain identifier. The domain identifier can be the domain id or the domain name itself.

Method return type is void.


Used to trigger fetch of latest logs, for instance.

await spheron.instance.triggerLatestLog(instanceId);


  • Id of the instance.

Returns the response indicating the fetching process has started.

  message: string; // the response message


Used to trigger fetch of latest health status, for instance.

await spheron.instance.triggerLatestHealth(instanceId);


  • Id of the instance.

Returns the response indicating the fetching process has started.

  message: string; // the response message

Compute Marketplace

The methods for working with marketplace apps are available on the computeMarketplace property of the SpheronClient object.


Used to get all available compute marketplace apps.

const marketplaceApps: MarketplaceApp[] =
  await spheron.computeMarketplace.getAll();

Method returns a list of MarketplaceApp objects. For more details about MarketplaceAppcheck get the section under compute marketplace.


Used to get marketplace app based on the passed id.

const marketplaceApp: MarketplaceApp = await spheron.computeMarketplace.get(


  • Id of the marketplace app.

Method returns MarketplaceApp object.

interface MarketplaceApp {
  id: string; // id of a marketplace app
  name: string; // name of a marketplace app
  description: string; // description of a marketplace app
  category: MarketplaceCategoryEnum; // marketplace app category
  variables: MarketplaceAppVariable[]; // list of enironemt variables
enum MarketplaceCategoryEnum {
interface MarketplaceAppVariable {
  defaultValue: string;
  key: string;
  required?: string;


Used to get available categories for marketplace apps.

const categories: string[] = await spheron.computeMarketplace.getCategories();

Method returns a list of available categories.

Compute Machine

The methods for working with compute machines are available on the computeMachine property of the SpheronClient object.


Used to get the list of available compute machines.

const computeMachines: ComputeMachine[] = await spheron.computeMachine.get({
  skip: 0,
  limit: 10,
  search: "2Gi",


  • options
    • skip (number) - number of machines to skip.
    • limit (number) - number of machines to take.
    • search (string) - (optional) search string. Search for specific cpu/storage/memory.

Method returns list of ComputeMachine objects.

interface ComputeMachine {
  id: string; // id of compute machine
  name: string; // name of compute machine
  cpu: number; // compute machine cpu
  storage: string; // compute machine storage
  memory: string; // compute machine memeory


Used to get available regions.

const regions: string[] = await spheron.computeMachine.getRegions();

Returns a list of available regions.

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