Storage Billing
Manage Storage Plan

Manage Storage Plan Subscription

Spheron Storage is based on a monthly subscription billing model. Users can pay for their upgraded subscription with a credit card or a web3 wallet, which are used to pay for monthly storage subscription costs.

Your Storage Plan Determines the Following:

  1. Amount of available total Storage(GB).
  2. Amount of available total Bandwidth(GB).

The Free Starter Plan is capped at 5GB of IPFS storage and 10GB of bandwidth. Arweave is not available for Starter Plan users.

Upgrading your Storage Plan

When you need more storage or bandwidth you can upgrade your plan.

To Upgrade your Spheron Storage Plan you First Need to Either:

Review specific details on different plans here: Available Storage Plans.

Follow these Steps to Upgrade your Storage Plan:

  1. Navigate to Storage from the navbar and Select the Billing tab.
  2. Click "Change or Upgrade plan."
  3. Select the Lite, Pro or Wagmi plan.
  4. Click "Upgrade plan."

Purchasing Add-ons

Navigate to the Add-ons page to learn more.

Quick Start