Site SDK

Site SDK

The Site SDK is a npm package that provides support for working with Spheron Site organizations.

NOTE: The package is only meant for Node.js environments.


Using NPM

npm i @spheron/site

Using Yarn

yarn add @spheron/site


To use the Site SDK, you have to create an instance of SpheronClient.

import { SpheronClient, ProtocolEnum } from "@spheron/site";
const client = new SpheronClient({ token });

The SpheronClient constructor takes an object that has one property token. Follow the instructions in the DOCS (opens in a new tab) to generate this token.

NOTE: When you are creating the tokens, please choose web app type in the dashboard.

The SpheronClient has three properties:

  • deployments provides methods for working with deployments.
  • projects provides methods for working with projects.
  • organization provides methods for working with organizations.



Used to start a new deployment.

await spheron.deployments.deploy({
  gitUrl, // the url of the repository
  projectName, // if the project for the repository does not exists, a new project will be created with this name
  environmentVariables: {
    KEY_1: "value1",
  provider: ProviderEnum.GITHUB, // the provider of the git url
  branch: "main", // the branch name that should be deployed
  protocol: ProtocolEnum.IPFS, // the protocol on which the deployment should be uploaded
  configuration: {
    framework: FrameworkEnum.REACT,
    workspace: "",
    installCommand: "yarn install",
    buildCommand: "yarn build",
    publishDir: "build",
    nodeVersion: NodeVersionEnum.V_16,
  gitProviderPreferences: {
    prComments: true;
    commitComments: false;
    buildStatus: false;
    githubDeployment: true;


  • gitUrl: (string) - the url of the repository.

    NOTE: Only repositories for which you have authorized the Spheron Git App can be deployed.

  • projectName: (string) - if the project for thegitUrldoes not exists, a new project will be created andprojectName will be used for the name of the project.
  • environmentVariables: (object) - an object that represents environment variables that should be used when deploying. If new variables are passed, they will automatically be added to the project's environment variables. Besides these variables, the variables of the Project will also be added to the deployment process.
  • provider: (ProviderEnum) - the provider of the repository.
  • branch: (string) - the branch of the deployment.
  • protocol: (ProtocolEnum) - the protocol on which the deployment should be uploaded. Supported protocols are:
enum ProtocolEnum {
  • configuration: Configuration` - the configuration that should be used for the deployment. Checkout the configuration interface for more details.
  • gitProviderPreferences - (optional) If not passed, each property in the object will be set with its default value.
    • prComments: boolean - (optional) when set to false, a comment will not be left on a PR. The default value is true.
    • commitComments: boolean - (optional) when set to false, comment will not be left on a commit. The default value is true.
    • buildStatus: boolean - (optional) when set to false, build status will not be created for a commit. The default value is true.
    • githubDeployment: boolean - (optional) The option is only valid for Github repositories. When set to false, a Github Deployment (opens in a new tab) will not be created. Default value is true.

Returns the information about the deployment:

interface DeploymentResponse {
  success: boolean; // indicates if the deployment has been started
  message: string; // holds information about the deployment and more details if the deployment fails
  deploymentId: string; // the id of the newly created deployment
  projectId: string; // the project id of the newly created deployment
  deployment: Deployment; // the newly created deployment


Used to get the deployment.

const deployment: Deployment = await spheron.deployments.get(deploymentId);


  • deploymentId: (string) - Id of the deployment.

Returns an object of type Deployment. Checkout the update configuration section for more details about the configuration interface.

interface Deployment {
  id: string; // the id of the deployment
  status: DeploymentStatusEnum; // the current state of the deployment
  configuration: Configuration; // the specific configuration that was used for the deployment
  buildTime: number; // the time it took for the deployment to finish, represented in seconds
  fileSize: number; // the total file size of the deployment
  deploymentEnvironmentName: string; // the environment of the deployment
  commitId: string; // the commit id of the deployment
  branch: string; // the branch of the deployment
  protocol: ProtocolEnum; // the protocol that was used for the deployment
  sitePreview: string; // the link to the deployed data
enum DeploymentStatusEnum {


Used to get the logs of the deployment.

const logs: DeploymentLog[] = await spheron.deployments.getLogs(deploymentId);


  • deploymentId: (string) - Id of the deployment.

Returns an array of objects that represent the deployment logs.

interface DeploymentLog {
  log: string;
  time: string;


Used to cancel a deployment that is in progress. The deployment is in progress if it is in PRE_QUEUE, QUEUED or, PENDING state.

await spheron.deployments.cancel(deploymentId);

NOTE: Owners and Admins can cancel any deployment. Members can only cancel deployments which that they have started.


  • deploymentId: (string) - Id of the deployment.


interface CancelDeploymentResponse {
  message: string; // information about the cancellation
  canceled: boolean; // true if deployment was canceled
  killing: boolean; // true if deployment is in the cancellation process.


Used to authorize a deployment that is in AUTHORIZATION_NEEDED state.

await spheron.deployments.authorize(deploymentId);

NOTE: Only Owners or Admins can authorize a deployment.


  • deploymentId: (string) - Id of the deployment.

Returns the information about the deployment:

interface DeploymentResponse {
  success: boolean;
  message: string;
  deploymentId: string;
  projectId: string;
  deployment: Deployment;


Used to start a new deployment with the same configuration as the one for which the deploymentId is passed. The same configuration and commit id will be deployed, but the latest environment variables will be used.

await spheron.deployments.redeploy(deploymentId);


  • deploymentId: (string) - Id of the deployment.

Returns the information about the deployment:

interface DeploymentResponse {
  success: boolean;
  message: string;
  deploymentId: string;
  projectId: string;
  deployment: Deployment;



Used to get the project based on the passed Id.

const project: Project = await spheron.projects.get(projectId);


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.

Returns an object of type Project.

interface Project {
  id: string; // the id of a project
  name: string; // the name of a project
  state: ProjectStateEnum; // the state of a project
  url: string; // the url to the git repository of a project
  organizationId: string; // the organizationId in which a project is
  provider: ProviderEnum; // the Git provider of a project
  configuration: Configuration; // the default configuration of a project. This configuration is used for webhook deployments.
enum ProjectStateEnum {
enum ProviderEnum {
interface Configuration {
  installCommand: string; // command that will be used to install the dependencies of the repository
  buildCommand: string; // command that will be executed to build the repository
  workspace: string; // the path to the app inside repository
  publishDir: string; // the path to the build directory
  framework: FrameworkEnum; // the framework of a project
  nodeVersion: NodeVersionEnum; // the node version that will be used to build the project
enum NodeVersionEnum {
enum FrameworkEnum {


Used to archive a project. When a project is archived new deployments cannot be started for it. If a project is already in an Archived state, an error will be thrown.

await spheron.projects.archive(projectId);


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.

Method return type is void. If there is an issue while archiving, an error will be thrown.


Used to update the project state from Archived to Maintained. If a project is already in a Maintained state, an error will be thrown.

await spheron.projects.unarchive(projectId);


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.

Method return type is void. If there is an issue while archiving, an error will be thrown.


Used to update the default configuration of a project.

const configuration: Configuration = await spheron.projects.updateConfiguration(
    framework: FrameworkEnum.REACT,
    workspace: "",
    installCommand: "yarn install",
    buildCommand: "yarn build",
    publishDir: "build",
    nodeVersion: NodeVersionEnum.V_16,


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.

  • configuration:

    • framework: (FrameworkEnum) - the framework of the repository
    • workspace: (string) - the path to the app inside the repository
    • installCommand: (string) - command that will be used to install the dependencies of the repository
    • buildCommand: (string) - command that will be executed to build the repository
    • publishDir: (string) - the path to the build directory
    • nodeVersion: (NodeVersionEnum) - the node version of your repository

Returns the updated configuration.

interface Configuration {
  installCommand: string; // command that will be used to install the dependencies of the repository
  buildCommand: string; // command that will be executed to build the repository
  workspace: string; // the path to the app inside repository
  publishDir: string; // the path to the build directory
  framework: FrameworkEnum; // the framework of a project
  nodeVersion: NodeVersionEnum; // the node version that will be used to build the project
enum NodeVersionEnum {
enum FrameworkEnum {


Used to get the environment variables of a project

const variables: EnvironmentVariable[] =
  await spheron.projects.getEnvironmentVariables(projectId);


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.

Returns an array of environment variables.

interface EnvironmentVariable {
  id: string; // the id of a environment variable
  name: string; // the name of a environment variable
  value: string; // the value of a environment variable
  environments: string[]; // the deployment environments for which the variable will be used


Used to add environment variables to a project.

const added: EnvironmentVariable[] =
  await spheron.projects.addEnvironmentVariable(projectId, [
      name: "variable1",
      value: "value1",
      environments: ["Production"],
      name: "variable2",
      value: "value2",
      environments: ["Development", "Production"],


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.
  • Array of variables that should be added. Each object of the array should have the following properties:
    • name: (string) - the name of the variable.
    • value: (string) - the value of the variable.
    • environments: (string[]) - the deployment environments for which the variable will be used

Returns an array of added variables.


Used to update an environment variable.

const updated = await spheron.projects.updateEnvironmentVariable(
    name: "updated_name",
    value: "updated_value",
    environments: ["Development", "Production"],


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.
  • environmentVariableId: (string) - Id of the environment variable.
  • options:
    • name: (string) - the name of the variable.
    • value: (string) - the value of the variable.
    • environments: (string[]) - the deployment environments for which the variable will be used

Returns the updated variable.


Used to delete an environment variable.

await spheron.projects.deleteEnvironmentVariable(


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.
  • environmentVariableId: (string) - Id of the environment variable.

Method return type is void. If there is an issue while deleting, an error will be thrown.


Used to get the deployment environments of the project. For more information about deployment environments, checkout the Deployment Environment Docs

const deploymentEnvironments: DeploymentEnvironment[] =
  await spheron.projects.getDeploymentEnvironments(projectId);


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.

Returns an array of deployment environments.

interface DeploymentEnvironment {
  id: string; // the id of the deployment environment
  name: string; // the name of the deployment environment
  protocol: ProtocolEnum; // the protocol of the deployment environment
  branches: string[]; // the branches for which the deployment environment
enum ProtocolEnum {


Used to create a deployment environment for a project.

const created: DeploymentEnvironment =
  await spheron.projects.createDeploymentEnvironment(projectId, {
    name: "Deployment Environment Name",
    branches: ["branch1", "branch2"],
    protocol: ProtocolEnum.IPFS,

NOTE: To create a deployment environment, a pro subscription is needed, and it also costs 5$ per subscription. If your organization does not have a pro subscription or enough funds, an error will be thrown.


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.
  • options:
    • name: (string) - the name of the deployment environment. The name of the deployment environment needs to be unique for the project or else an error will be thrown.
    • branches: (string[]) - an array of strings that represent the branches of the deployment environment. If a branch already exists in the Production deployment environment, an error will be thrown ( you would first need to remove the branch from the Production environment and add it to the one you want ). If a branch exists in some other deployment environment ( that is not a production one ), it will be removed from it and added to the newly created one.
    • protocol: (ProtocolEnum) - the protocol of the deployment environment.

Returns the created deployment environment.


Used to update the deployment environment of the project.

const updated: DeploymentEnvironment =
  await spheron.projects.updateDeploymentEnvironment(
      name: "Deployment Environment Name Updated",
      branches: ["branch1", "branch2", "branch3"],
      protocol: ProtocolEnum.FILECOIN,


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.

  • deploymentEnvironmentId: (string) - Id of the deployment environment.

  • options:

    • name: (string) - the name of the deployment environment.
    • branches: (string[]) - an array of strings that represent the branches of the deployment environment.
    • protocol: (ProtocolEnum) - the protocol of the deployment environment.

    NOTE: The same constraints for names and branches exist both when creating and updating the deployment environment. Also, it is not possible to rename the Production and Development environments.

Returns the updated deployment environment.


Used to delete a deployment environment.

await spheron.projects.deleteDeploymentEnvironment(


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.
  • deploymentEnvironmentId: (string) - Id of the deployment environment.

NOTE: It is not possible to delete the Production and Development environments.

Method return type is void.


Used to activate a deployment environment.

const deploymentEnvironment: DeploymentEnvironment =
  await spheron.projects.activateDeploymentEnvironment(


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.
  • deploymentEnvironmentId: (string) - Id of the deployment environment.

Method returns the activated deployment environment.


Used to deactivate a deployment environment.

const deploymentEnvironment: DeploymentEnvironment =
  await spheron.projects.deactivateDeploymentEnvironment(


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.
  • deploymentEnvironmentId: (string) - Id of the deployment environment.

Method returns the deactivated deployment environment.


Used to get the domains of a project.

const domains: Domain[] = await spheron.projects.getDomains(projectId);


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.

Returns an array of deployment domains.

interface Domain {
  id: string; // the id of the domain
  name: string; // the domain name
  verified: boolean; // true means that the domain is verified and that it will start serving the content
  link: string; // the link to which the domain points to
  type: DomainTypeEnum; // the type of the domain
  projectId: string; // the project id of which the domain is
  deploymentEnvironmentIds: string[]; //  the ids of the deployment environments for the domain. Whenever a deployment for the specified environment is done, the domain will be updated to point to the new link of the deployment.
enum DomainTypeEnum {


Used to get the domain of a project.

const domain: Domain = await spheron.projects.getDomain(projectId, "");


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.
  • domainIdentifier: (string) The domain identifier can be the domain id, or the domain name itself.

Returns the domain.


Used to add a new domain to a project.

const domain: Domain = await spheron.projects.addDomain(projectId, {
  name: "",
  type: DomainTypeEnum.DOMAIN,
  deploymentEnvironments: ["Production"],


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.
  • options:
    • name: (string) - the domain name.
    • type: (DomainTypeEnum) - the domain type.
    • deploymentEnvironments: (string[]) - (optional) name of the deployment environments. Whenever a deployment for the specified deployment environment is successfully executed, the domain will be updated to point to the newly deployed data.
    • link: (string) - (optional) the sitePreview of a specific deployment of the same project. When this property is set, the domain will point to data of the specified deployment and will not be updated when a new deployment is done.

NOTE: Ether deploymentEnvironments or link is required. When only a link is passed, the domain will not be updated when new deployments are done.

Returns the newly created domain. After a domain is created, you need to call the verifyDomain function for it to work.


Used to update a domain of a project.

const domain: Domain = await spheron.projects.updateDomain(
    name: "",
    deploymentEnvironments: ["Production"],


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.
  • domainIdentifier: (string) The domain identifier can be the domain id, or the domain name itself.
  • options:
    • name: (string) - the domain name.
    • deploymentEnvironments: (string) - (optional) name of the deployment environments. Whenever a deployment for the specified deployment environment is successfully executed, the domain will be updated to point to the newly deployed data.
    • link: (string) - (optional) ThesitePreview of a specific deployment of the same project. When this property is set, the domain will point to data of the specified deployment and will not be updated when a new deployment is done.

NOTE: Same rules for deploymentEnvironments and links are applied here as when creating a domain.

Returns the updated domain. If the domain name is updated, you need to call the verifyDomain function again.


Used to verify the domain, after which the content behind the domain will be cached on CDN.

const domain: Domain = await spheron.projects.verifyDomain(projectId, domainId);


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.
  • domainIdentifier: (string) The domain identifier can be the domain id, or the domain name itself.

Returns the verified domain.


Used to get the values that should be set on your DNS provider for your bucket domains.

const { cdnARecords, cdnCnameRecords } =
  await client.projects.getCdnDnsRecords();

Function getCdnDnsRecords doesn't take any parameters.


  • cdnARecords - (string) - will contain the DNS value that should be used for domains.
  • cdnCnameRecords - (string) - will contain the DNS value that should be used for subdomains.


Used to delete a domain of a project.

await spheron.projects.deleteDomain(projectId, domainId);


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.
  • domainIdentifier: (string) The domain identifier can be the domain id, or the domain name itself.

Method return type is void.


Used to get the deployments of a projects. Methods support pagination.

const deployments: Deployment[] = await spheron.projects.getDeployments(
    skip: 0,
    limit: 5,
    status: DeploymentStatusEnum.QUEUED,


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.
  • options:
    • skip: (number)` - number of deployments to skip.
    • limit: (number)` - number of deployments to take.
    • status: (DeploymentStatusEnum) - (optional) status of the deployments.

Return the array of deployments. Check the get deployment function for the interface details.


Used to get the deployment count of the project.

const deploymentCount: DeploymentCount =
  await spheron.projects.getDeploymentCount(projectId);


  • projectId: (string) - Id of the project.

Returns the number of deployments.

interface DeploymentCount {
  total: number; // the total number of deployments
  successful: number; // the number of successful deployments
  failed: number; // the number of failed deployments
  pending: number; // the number of deployments in pending state


The methods for working with organizations are available on the organization property of the SpheronClient object. All the methods work with the organization of the token that is passed in the constructor.


Used to get the organization.

const organization: Organization = await spheron.organization.get();

Returns an Organization for which the token was created.

interface Organization {
  id: string; // the id of a organization
  profile: {
    name: string, // the name of a organization
    username: string, // the username of a organization
    image: string, // the url to the avatar image of a organization


Used to get the projects of the organization. The methods support pagination.

const projects: Project[] = await spheron.organization.getProjects({
  skip: 0,
  limit: 10,
  state: ProjectStateEnum.MAINTAINED,


  • options:
    • skip: (number) - the number of projects to skip.
    • limit: (number) - the number of projects to take.
    • state: (ProjectStateEnum) - the state of the projects to fetch (optional).

Returns an array of projects. Checkout the get project section for more details on the project interface properties.


Used to get the number of projects in the organization.

const count: number = await spheron.organization.getProjectCount({
  state: ProjectStateEnum.MAINTAINED,


  • options
    • state: (ProjectStateEnum) - project state filter (optional).

Returns the number of projects.


Used to get the current subscription usage of the organization.

const usage: UsageWithLimits = await spheron.organization.getUsage();

Returns the UsageWithLimits object.

interface UsageWithLimits {
  used: {
    bandwidth: number, // the bytes of bandwidth used for the current subscription
    buildExecution: number, // the seconds of build execution done for the current subscription
    concurrentBuild: number,// the number of concurrent builds in progress
    storageArweave: number, // the bytes of used Arweave storage for the current subscription
    storageIPFS: number, // the bytes of used IPFS storage for the current subscription
    deploymentsPerDay: number, // number of deployments an organization can have one one day
    domains: number, // the number of domains and subdomain an organization has
    hnsDomains: number,// the number of hns domains an organization has
    ensDomains: number,// the number of ens domains an organization has
    environments: number,// the number of deployment environments an organization has
    numberOfRequests: number,// the number of requests the organization has had till now
    passwordProtection: number,; // 1 - if organization has support for password protection, otherwise 0.
  limit: {
    bandwidth: number, // the bandwidth limit for the current subscription
    buildExecution: number,// the build execution limit for the current subscription
    concurrentBuild: number, // how many concurrent builds can the organization have with the current subscription plan
    storageArweave: number,  // the limit in bytes for the Arweave storage for the current subscription
    storageIPFS: number, // the limit in bytes for the IPFS storage for the current subscription
    deploymentsPerDay: number,// the limit of how many deployments can an organization have per day
    domains: number,// the limit on how many domains and subdomains can an organization have
    hnsDomains: number, //  the limit on how many hns domains can an organization have
    ensDomains: number,// the limit on how many ens domains can an organization have
    environments: number, // the limit on how many deployment environment can an organization have
    membersLimit: number,// how many members can an organization have
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