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Plan Usage

Plan Usage in Spheron provides an overview of the cumulative utilization of various resources and features within your organization's plan. It includes the following metrics:

  • Members
    It is the total number of members in the organization.
  • Requests
    It is the total number of website requests that have been made for all the domains in your organization.
  • IPFS Requests
    It is the total number of requests that have been made for all the IPFS links of your organization.
  • IPFS Bandwidth
    It is the total bandwidth used by all the IPFS links of your organization.
  • CDN Bandwidth
    It is the overall bandwidth used by all the domains of your organization.
  • Build Execution
    It is the total time a Spheron deployer was used to deploy your app.
  • Concurrent Builds
    It is the maximum number of concurrent build processes supported by the plan.
  • Parallel Uploads
    It is the number of parallel uploads allowed.
  • IPFS & Filecoin Storage
    It is the total amount of storage capacity used for IPFS and Filecoin storage within the plan.
  • Deployments Per Day
    It is the number of deployments performed in a single day.
  • Domain
    It is the total number of domains used by the organization.
  • HNS Domain
    It is the total number of Handshake (HNS) domains used by the organization.
  • ENS Domain
    It is the total number of Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains used by the organization.
  • Image Optimization
    It is the number of image optimizations done so far.
Regions & RoutingSpheron Compute